英汉双语阅读 42 四种幽默

小夏 健康 更新 2024-02-07


英汉双语阅读41:什么时候买打折商品划算? [本期内容]

the four styles of humor


what do you find funny, and what sort of humor appeals to you? research has focused on different humor styles, and distinguishes four types.

你觉得有什么有趣的地方? 什么样的幽默吸引你? 该研究侧重于不同类型的幽默,并区分了四种类型。


this involves telling jokes about things that everyone might find funny. the goal is to use humor to bring people together to find the humor in everyday life. the types of jokes told by comedians like jerry seinfeld that focus on the comedy in everyday life represents this sort of humor. the goal is to create a sense of fellowship, happiness, and well-being. if you are fond of jokes about animals or everyday occurrences, then you are using affiliative humor.

这包括讲人们可能会觉得有趣的笑话。 我们的目标是用幽默将人们聚集在一起,并在日常生活中找到幽默。 像杰里·宋飞(Jerry Seinfeld)这样的喜剧演员讲述的笑话类型以日常生活中专注于喜剧的笑话类型为代表。 目标是创造一种亲和力、幸福感和富足感。 如果你喜欢关于动物或日常事件的笑话,那么你就是在使用亲和力幽默。


this involves put-downs or insults targeted toward individuals. this is the humor that is used by more aggressive comedians - the put-down artists, such as don rickles or the late joan rivers. when it is intended to threaten or psychologically harm others, it is the type of humor used by bullies. while some of the audience to this type of humor will find it funny, others might laugh to cover up a feeling of discomfort.

这包括贬低或侮辱个人。 这是更具侵略性的喜剧演员使用的幽默——那些被贬低的艺术家,比如唐·里奇斯(Don Riches)或已故的琼·里弗斯(Joan Rivers)。 这是欺凌者在旨在威胁他人或在心理上伤害他人时使用的幽默类型。 虽然有些观众会觉得这种幽默很有趣,但其他人可能会通过笑来隐藏不舒服的感觉。


this is being able to laugh at yourself, such as **a joke when something bad has happened to you. trying to find the humor in everyday situations, and **yourself the target of the humor in a good-natured way. it is related to healthy coping with stress. jon stewart from the daily show often uses self-enhancing humor by saying things such as, “maybe i just don’t understand," or “i’m not the brightest guy.”

这一切都是为了能够嘲笑自己,就像在你遇到不好的事情时开玩笑一样。 试着在日常生活中找到幽默,以一种善良的方式让自己成为幽默的目标。 它与健康应对压力有关。 《每日秀》(The Daily Show)的乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)经常使用自我推销的幽默,例如“也许我只是不明白”或“我不是最聪明的人”。


putting yourself down in an aggressive or “poor me” fashion is called self-defeating humor. the late comedian rodney dangerfield would be an example (“i don’t get no respect”; i was an ugly baby”).psychologically, this can be an unhealthy form of humor, and is sometimes used by targets of bullies to try to **oid attacks - oneself the butt of jokes before others put you down.

以咄咄逼人或“可怜的我”的方式贬低自己被称为弄巧成拙的幽默。 已故喜剧演员罗德尼·丹格菲尔德(Rodney Dangefeld)就是一个例子(“我无法得到尊重”; “我小时候很丑”)。从心理上讲,这可能是一种不健康的幽默形式,有时被欺凌者用来避免攻击——在别人贬低你之前让自己成为笑柄。

psychologist rod martin and his colleagues h**e studied these types of humor and h**e developed the humor styles questionnaire, which measures these four humor styles.

心理学家罗德·马丁(Rod Martin)和他的同事研究了这些类型的幽默,并开发了评估所有四种幽默类型的幽默类型问卷。

so, when we say that someone has a “great sense of humor”, we really need to know what sort of humor the person is prone to use because the humor style will create very different impressions and h**e different impact on others.



译者]廖怀宝 (Spark Liao)

illustration】from bing



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