在专业课程1的英语综合方面,考生需要在3个小时内完成试卷上的语法词汇、文学知识、阅读、大作文和小作文,而且每年题目各部分的难度都不同,所以考生需要在考试中合理分配时间。 在专业课程2写作和中英翻译方面,虽然时间略多于专业课程1,但考生在考试前需要有足够的词汇储备、阅读储备和一定的翻译能力,才能从容应对考试项目。 两门专业课程对专业素质的考核,既宽广又深入,需要长期的不断积累和学习。
在对上海英语语言文学专业课程和外语专业课程有大致了解的基础上,要注重考试的重点放在阅读、写作和翻译能力的培养上。 根据以往题目的统计,最高阅读要求是在1小时左右完成6章的阅读量; 写作要求在1小时内培养400-500个英语单词; 翻译需要在 1 中完成5小时内翻译500字文学文本。
2. 备考前的准备。
1)阅读备考建议:可以将备考时间线分为三个阶段。前期主要是打基础,中期主要是突围提升,后期主要是冲刺巩固。 在上半年的阅读准备中,我们主要熟悉阅读题的类型,主要是找到做题的感觉,在平时学习之后,还可以加入对当前文献的学习和单词的记忆,注意词汇的积累和知识的拓展; 在中期,可以定期做练习和复习,使用专业的8级阅读和GRE阅读材料进行测试; 考试前两个月,模拟真实题目,复习应试技巧,力争答对率达到80-90%。
2)写作备考建议:和阅读一样,可以分为三个阶段:练习大作文和小作文。前期主要是学习和吸收内化写作范文,中期可以多用笔和及时练习,有条件的学生可以在这里与高义的优秀老师交流,从而更好地打磨语言、思想和写作习惯,后期, 它主要以模拟为基础,以确保作文能够在考试的相应时间内完成。以下基于论文题目“人工智能如何影响英语学习?“提出写作中要注意的问题:
学生练习:中国顶级棋手柯杰与"alphago", the artificial intelligence contestant, has become an online sensation in earlier years. its unexpected result that we humans were defeated overwhelmingly by an ai triggers us thinking the whys and wherefores underneath: are ais better learners than human beings? as an english learner, the key to this question is to elucidate how als impact english learning. from my perspective, english learning will be influenced by ai in the aspects of the methods and the mindsets towards language acquisition.
for one thing, al will equip learners with transformative methods in the english learning process. by definition, al is referred to as computers or computer-controlled technologies that possess certain human characteristics, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalise or learn from the past. since its development in the 1940s, it has been programmed to carry out complex tasks even with proficiency nowadays, especially in areas that need high processing speed and memory capacity. such powerful processing skills are conducive to improving the english learning experience. one possible method brought by ai lies in its personalization, as seen in some english learning apps. compared with traditional learning, which confines students’ learning to classroom interactions, ai-supported apps extend study time beyond schools, thus eliminating the existing deficit within the traditional ones. dismissed from after classes, students might not only proceed with their learning by doing exercises tailored to their english level but also gain exclusive feedback, which, in turn, can adjust those exercises for students **progress. besides this **work, al can provide students with listening and speaking training owing to its capability of human communication. it is common in china that our classrooms are so oversized that students get lost in the shuffle, failing to catch up with the classes. by adopting this ai approach to doing one-on-one verbal exercises, students can make great strides in english learning. thus, this personalised ai tracking system of ai delivers novel methods for facilitating english learning for students in a comprehensive way...
1)逻辑严谨性。在第一段中,话题与围棋的热点相关联,不能简单地用关键词来概括; 第二段中关于个性化的两个论点重叠,并不明确。
2)定义概念的问题。尽量避免在构图中使用定义的方法,在空间有限的情况下,用三个词来明确定义对象。 3)段落的层次结构。两段对于文章的主体来说可能就足够了,但一般建议将主体分成三段,使段落看起来更平衡。
3)翻译准备的一些建议:在翻译准备的三个阶段中,需要一直穿插实践练习。前期要注意阅读有关翻译技巧的书籍,如《中译英快速通关》,并做一些简短的练习; 从中期来看,翻译不同体裁、接触不同文体的可能很难,一开始可能很难参考《张培骥的散文》,所以可以从视译入手,学习词句的表达,文本的组织; 后期,最好通过模拟题和实题进行模拟,有的老师可以给出纠正意见并加以修改。
*:摘自张佩基散文译本)包装歌手、包装书画家、包装著作、......包装早已是一门宏大的生意,不怕社会嘲笑。 书籍装订应该让人一眼就能看懂这本书的内涵和品味,而且是一部非常深奥的艺术创作作品,但如今的书店书摊上到处都是花里胡哨的东西,连书名都认不出来。 在白色背景上打印带有黑色字母的封面。
学生翻译:包装歌手、书法家、画家和杰作...... these all show that packaging is regarded as a normal cause in society, devoid of criticism. the packaging for books is strenuous artistic creation work, which should explicitly show both the content and taste of the work. yet, book booths today are inundated with excessively designed and packaged books, blurring the name of the book. what should be done is to print the book on white **with a black title on it.
参考资料:明星歌手、画家和书法家、作家......all go in for self-packaging overtly disregard of public ridicule. binding and layout, which provide clear insights into the content and quality of a book, call for profound artistic work. but, today, bookstores and bookstalls are a riot of loud glaring color, so much so that the book titles are overshadowed and become hardly recognizable. why not h**e book covers printed just as black and white instead?
注意事项:学生的翻译没有重大的语法问题,但仍然需要更好地理解原文和单词的选择。 1)选择单词和单词,以便理解和翻译原文。“宏大”、“一目了然”、“耀眼”和“花里胡哨”都需要仔细理解和熟练处理。 2)句子之间的逻辑处理。后一句“但今天.......”我什至认不出书名“有一个语义上的转折可以传递,所以......这体现了。 3)在翻译中应积累中文的特殊结构。该段第一句中几个并列的结构需要在参考翻译中注明:学习“明星歌手”。all go in for...
我们在考试前做好了充分的准备,因此我们可以自信地面对考试。 但是,当涉及到考试时,有一些细节可以调整以调整考试状态,并且稳定或出色地发挥。
多参加考试前的集体模拟考试,尤其是考试前一到两个月,体验考试氛围。 在高一,我们会在考试前举办大规模的在线全日制考试,考试结束后会有专业老师对笔译和撰写试卷进行批改,并提供反馈,帮助您在考试前快速找到考场状态。
当我们开始备考时,我们需要建立信心,通过自己的努力,我们一定能够一步步实现自己想要的,而在备考的过程中,我们只需要专注于每天需要完成的目标和学习任务。 高毅这边的老师会给大家制定明确的学习计划,也会在平常的沟通过程中鼓励大家帮助大家上岸。