
小夏 教育 更新 2024-02-02

be the real you


being yourself attracts the right people.


one of the greatest tragedies of human beings is that the majority change who they are to fit into the world. they believe being like someone else, will make them fit in better with others, be liked by others. but the truth is, you'll never attract the right people by being someone you are not.

人类最糟糕的悲剧之一是,大多数人为了适应这个世界而改变自己。 他们相信,如果他们像某人一样,他们将能够更好地融入群体,并让他们受到他人的喜爱。 事实上,如果你不真实地做你自己,你就永远无法吸引到合适的人。

be yourself, and the right people for you will show up. the right people will love the real you.

做你自己,合适的人就会出现。 命中注定你的人,会发自内心地爱着真实的你。

ralph waldo emerson once said, to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)曾经说过,在一个你不断试图改变自己的世界里,如果你能坚持做自己,那就是最大的成就。

h**e the courage to be you, always.believe and know if you do so, the perfect people and circumstances will show up in your life!

永远保持做自己的勇气。 相信,如果你继续做你自己,对的人和美好的事物就会来到你身边!


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