中英双语美国文学鉴赏 在选择两者之一时,记得选择未来

小夏 汽车 更新 2024-01-30

please remember to choose the future when you choose one of the two.parents can work at five o’clock in cold winter,and you can read books at seven o’clock without freezing your hands,so you h**e to work hard to become excellent, improve your education and ability, but the future and parents can not be let down.dad did not say that money was hard to earn,and mom did not think that the child was not obedient,so i was not qualified to say that i was tired and did not work hard,when you want to give up ,don’t forget your parents gray hair and your tearful vow to get ahead that day ,from now on,go crazy to plunder everything that belongs to you: education, ability, pattern, network, cognition, thinking, courage and insight. it’s always crowded halfway up the mountain,work hard and we’ll meet at the peak.

当你选择两者之一时,记得选择未来,你的父母在冷风中五点工作,你七点看书冻手,所以你要变得优秀,提高你的学历和能力,只有未来和你的父母不能失望。 爸爸没说钱难赚就赚不了,妈妈也不认为孩子不想不听话。 所以我没有资格说累了就不努力,想放弃的时候,别忘了爸妈快要变白的头发,还有你那天泪流满面的誓言,要出人头地。 从现在开始,疯狂地掠夺属于你的一切:教育、能力、模式和人脉、认知、思维、勇气。 半山腰总是人满为患,努力工作,我们会在山顶见到你。



obedient [əbiːdiənt]adj.听话,听话;忠实;孝;驯服一个;



plunder[ˈplʌndə(r)]vt.& vi.掠夺;偷;贪污;n.抢劫;掠 食 者;

cognition[kɒɡˈnɪʃn] n.认知;认识;


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