2024年2月19日*** 发言人毛宁。
foreign ministry spokesperson mao ning’s
regular press conference on february 19, 2024
总台央视记者:我们注意到,日前召开的第60届慕尼黑安全会议,反思导致“失去更多”困境的现有国际秩序。 中方发出的主要信号是什么? 您如何看待“更多损失”的困境?
cctv: we noticed that the just concluded 60th munich security conference offered reflections on the current international order that led to “lose-lose” dynamics. foreign minister wang yi was at the conference. what message did china mainly send? how do you view the “lose-lose” dynamics?
毛宁:中共中央政治局委员、党总书记王毅出席慕尼黑安全会议,并在“中国特别会议”上发表主旨演讲。 王毅外长讲话的核心信息是,中国将始终保持重大政策的连续性和稳定性,在动荡的世界中做稳定力量。
mao ning: member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and minister of foreign affairs wang yi attended the 60th munich security conference and delivered a keynote speech at the “conversation china in the world.” in his speech, the core message is that china will keep its major principles and policies consistent and stable and serve as a force for stability in a turbulent world.
一是要成为推动大国合作的稳定力量。 国际形势越动荡,大国加强协调越重要; 风险和挑战越突出,大国加强合作就越重要。 我们愿加强大国协调合作,同美方一道落实两国元首达成的共识,稳定和发展中俄关系,维护中欧伙伴关系定位,共同为应对混乱注入正能量。
first, china will be a force for stability in promoting cooperation between major countries. for major countries, the more volatile the international landscape, the greater the need to enhance coordination; the more acute the risks and challenges, the greater the need to advance cooperation. we stand ready to advance coordination and cooperation between major countries, work with the us to implement the common understandings reached by the two heads of state, promote the steady growth of china-russia relations and uphold our partnership with europe to jointly inject positive energy into a volatile world.
二是成为处理热点问题的稳定力量。 积极落实全球安全倡议,探索解决中国特色热点问题。 坚持不干涉内政,反对强加于人; 坚持客观公正,反对谋私私利; 坚持政治解决,反对使用武力; 坚持标本兼治,反对短视、片面。
second, china will be a force for stability in addressing hotspot issues. we will actively implement the global security initiative and explore a chinese way of addressing hotspot issues, one that advocates for non-interference in internal affairs and opposes imposing one’s will on others; upholds impartiality and justice and opposes pursuing selfish interests; seeks political settlement and opposes using force; aims to address both the symptoms and the root causes and opposes myopia and one-sidedness.
第三,我们要成为加强全球治理的稳定力量。 我们坚定地支持联合国的权威和中心地位以及安全理事会在和平与安全问题上的首要作用。 加强全球南方团结合作,维护各国主权和领土完整,为世界提供更多公共产品,为应对全球挑战贡献中国力量。
third, china will be a force for stability in enhancing global governance. we will firmly uphold the authority and central role of the united nations and support the security council in playing a primary role on peace and security. we will enhance solidarity and cooperation of the global south, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, provide more public goods to the world, and contribute our share to meeting global challenges.
第四,要成为全球增长的稳定力量。 中国经济一直充满活力和韧性,增速为52%的增长率贡献了世界增长的三分之一,长期的积极势头更加明显。 我们将着力实现中国式现代化,加快高质量发展,扩大制度开放,为世界释放更大利益。
fourth, china will be a force for stability in promoting global growth. the chinese economy, as vibrant and resilient as ever, is showing a more robust momentum of long-term growth. last year, it grew by 5.2 percent, accounting for one third of global growth. we will focus energy on realizing chinese modernization, seek faster progress in high-quality development, expand institutional opening up and bring more dividends to the rest of the world.
合作共赢应成为各国处理国际事务的基本政策取向。 我们愿同各方团结合作,在需要的时候共同努力,谋求共赢,避免多输,为世界注入更多确定性,为人类创造美好未来。
mutually beneficial cooperation should be the basic principle of all countries’ policy in handling international relations. we stand ready to work with all parties together like passengers in the same boat, seek win-win and **oid lose-lose to bring more certainty to the world and usher in a brighter future for humanity.
中新社记者:2月8日,巴基斯坦举行国会和地方议会选举。 目前,巴基斯坦选举结果已经初步出炉,有关政党正在推进内阁组建工作。 中方对此有何评论? 您对中巴关系的未来发展有何期待?
china news service: pakistan held general elections for its national assembly and provincial assemblies on february 8. the elections h**e produced preliminary results and relevant parties are working on forming a cabinet. what is china’s comment on this? what is china’s expectation for the development of china-pakistan relations going forward?
毛宁:中方注意到,巴基斯坦总体上顺利、顺利地举办了这次活动,对此向你表示祝贺。 作为亲密友好的邻邦,中方充分尊重巴基斯坦人民的选择,衷心希望巴基斯坦有关各方共同努力,维护政治统一和社会稳定,共同创造国家发展的未来。
mao ning: china noted that general elections in pakistan are held in a generally steady and smooth manner and we offer our congratulations on this. as a close and friendly neighbor, china fully respects the choice of the pakistani people and sincerely hopes that relevant parties of pakistan will work together to uphold political solidarity and social stability after the elections and jointly open up a brighter future for the development of the country.
中巴是全天候战略合作伙伴。 中方期待同巴方一道,重续传统友谊,深化各领域务实合作,加快构建新时代更加紧密的中巴命运共同体,更好造福两国人民。
china and pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. china hopes to work with pakistan to build on the traditional friendship, deepen practical cooperation in various areas, and accelerate the building of an even closer china-pakistan community with a shared future in the new era for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries.
阿纳多卢通讯社记者:上周,以色列无视联合国和包括中国在内的世界许多国家的警告,继续袭击加沙南部城市拉法,暗示将在那里发动更广泛的军事行动。 近150万巴勒斯坦人,即加沙230万人口中的大多数,现在被困在拉法,他们中的大多数人从以色列认为是“安全区”的北部流离失所。 但现在这些人正处于军事袭击和军事行动的危险之中。 联合国机构警告说,对拉法的军事行动将加剧当前的人道主义危机,包括导致严重的饥荒。 中方对拉法局势最新发展有何立场?
anadolu agency: despite international warnings from the un and countries around the world, including china, israel continued its attacks last week in the city of rafah in southern gaza. tel **iv government stated that it will pursue a broad military operation there. now, nearly 1.5 million palestinians, which is the most of the population of gaza’s 2.3 million population are now stuck in rafah. most of them are displaced from the north because israel deemed the place as a safe area. but they are now in danger of being stuck in a military attack and military operation. un agencies warn that a military operation in rafah will deepen the ongoing humanitarian crisis, including a serious famine in the area. what is china’s position concerning the recent developments in rafah?
mao ning: china is closely watching the developments in rafah. we oppose and condemn acts against civilians and international law. we call on israel to stop military operations as soon as possible, do everything possible to **oid casualties among innocent civilians and prevent a more devastating humanitarian disaster in rafah.
安塔拉通讯社记者:中国驻印尼大使陆慷日前拜访了2号候选人普拉博沃·苏比扬多,并向普京致以最良好的祝愿。 从双边关系的角度来看,您如何看待普拉博沃成为印尼新领导人?
antara: china’s ambassador to indonesia, lu kang, pays a recent visit to presidential candidate number two prabowo subianto to congratulate prabowo. how the ministry see prabowo subianto as the new leader of indonesia, particularly for the two countries’ relations?
毛宁:印尼是中国的友好邻邦,我们祝贺印尼顺利运行,相信印尼人民的选择将有利于印尼的发展和未来。 中方期待同印尼继续携手合作,构建高层战略互信,深化全方位战略合作,推动中印尼关系长期健康稳定发展,为两国人民创造更多福祉。
mao ning: indonesia is our friendly neighbor. we congratulate indonesia on the smooth and successful presidential election and believe that the choice of the indonesian people is in the interest of their country’s future and prosperity. china looks to continue to work with indonesia to stick to the main theme of building a community with a shared future, forge high-level strategic mutual trust, deepen strategic cooperation across the board, and advance the sustained, sound and steady growth of china-indonesia relations to deliver greater benefits for our two peoples.
路透社记者:大众汽车、巴斯夫等德国大公司出于对“强迫劳动”的担忧,正在重新考虑或剥离在新疆的业务。 中国还能做些什么来缓解这种担忧? 新疆最终会与西方“脱钩”吗?
reuters: some of germany’s biggest companies like volkswagen and basf are rethinking or divesting their business interests in xinjiang due to concerns over forced labour in xinjiang. what else can china do to ease such concerns? will xinjiang sort of end up “decoupling” from the west?
毛宁:正如王毅外长在慕尼黑安全会议上指出的那样,一些政治势力在国际社会散布了太多关于新疆的谣言,制造了太多的虚假信息,所谓“强迫劳动”就是其中之一。 这些人编造涉疆谎言,其目的就是要破坏新疆稳定,阻碍中国的发展和振兴,打着人权的幌子,在新疆制造“被迫脱钩”、“强迫失业”、“被迫返贫”。 当前,新疆社会稳定、经济发展、民族团结、宗教和睦,有力保障了新疆各族人民的权益。 希望有关企业尊重事实,明辨是非,珍惜在新疆投资发展的机遇。
mao ning: as foreign minister wang yi noted at the munich security conference, some political forces h**e spread too many rumors and created too much disinformation about xinjiang in the world. “forced labor” is one of these. by concocting these lies, they are aiming to destabilize xinjiang and hold back china’s development and revitalization. what they are actually doing is to force “de-coupling”, unemployment and poverty on xinjiang under the pretext of human rights. such attempts will never succeed. currently xinjiang enjoys social stability, economic growth, ethnic solidarity and harmony among various religions. the rights and interests of the people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang are well protected. we hope relevant companies will respect facts, tell right from wrong, and cherish the opportunity to invest and grow in xinjiang.
阿纳多卢通讯社记者:以色列总理内塔尼亚胡表示,他不会接受永久解决巴勒斯坦问题的国际命令。 以色列内阁通过了一项动议,拒绝联合国或任何国家承认巴勒斯坦建国。 他们似乎拒绝任何国际接触或国际保证永久解决巴勒斯坦问题。 中方一再强调,有必要就此问题召开国际和平会议。 发言人是否认为以色列方面的上述措施能够解决问题,给该地区带来和平?
anadolu agency: israel’s prime minister benjamin netanyahu said they won’t accept an international mandate for a permanent solution to the palestinian issue and his cabinet adopted a “declaratory decision” to reject any recognition of palestinian statehood by the un or other countries. they seem to reject any international involvement or any guarantee from international community for a permanent solution in palestine. china frequently points to the need to hold an international peace conference to find a solution for the matter. do you think israel’s approach can solve the question and bring peace to the region?
毛宁:两国方案是国际社会解决巴勒斯坦问题的普遍共识,实施两国方案是摆脱巴以冲突循环的唯一现实出路。 中方愿同各方一道,推动尽快召开规模更大、更权威、更有效的国际和平会议,制定落实两国方案的具体时间表和路线图,支持巴以尽快恢复和谈,最终实现巴以和平共处。
mao ning: the two-state solution is the universal consensus of the international community to settle the palestinian question. implementing the two-state solution is the only way to end the cycle of conflict between palestine and israel. china stands ready to work with all parties to hold a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference as early as possible, formulate a concrete timetable and roadmap for the implementation of the two-state solution and support palestine and israel in resuming peace talks soon for the ultimate peaceful coexistence between the two states of palestine and israel.
凤凰卫视记者:我们注意到,欧盟委员会11月16日宣布,已对中国中车下属企业展开反补贴调查。 中方对此有何评论?
phoenix tv: we noted that the european commission announced an anti-subsidy investigation into a subsidiary of crrc on february 16. what is china’s comment on this?
毛宁:具体经贸问题,我建议你向中国主管部门查询。 原则上,中方对欧盟委员会宣布对中车青岛四方机车公司所谓补贴问题展开调查表示关切,希望欧方慎重运用对外补贴法规工具,通过对话协商解决具体经贸问题,打造公平、 为中国企业提供公正、非歧视的营商环境。
mao ning: for specific economic and trade issues, i’d refer you to competent chinese authorities. i would like to say more broadly that china is concerned over the european commission’s announcement to launch an investigation into crrc qingdao sifang locomotive over the so-called subsidy issue. we hope the eu will use the tool of the foreign subsidies regulation prudently, handle specific economic and trade issues through dialogue and consultation, and provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for chinese companies.
澎湃新闻记者:我们注意到,龙年春节假期期间,文化旅游消费十分火热,尤其是入境和出境旅游,中国游客覆盖全球125个国家。 中方对此有何评论?
the **we noted that the recent spring festival of the year of the dragon witnessed explosive growth in cultural and tourism consumption, especially the booming inbound and outbound tr**el. chinese tourists tr**eled to as many as 125 countries in the world. what’s your comment?
毛宁:随着中国免签“朋友圈”的不断扩大和出入境旅游热度的不断上升,今年春节中外游客“双向奔赴”,成为全球旅游消费的高峰期。 联合国旅游组织(UNWTO)预计,2024年中国入境和出境旅游将加速复苏,带动全球旅游市场的复苏。
mao ning: as china implements a visa-free policy for a larger circle of friends, the country sees its inbound and outbound tr**els soar, with more chinese tourists going abroad and more foreign tr**elers visiting china. the spring festival became the peak time of global tourism. the world tourism organization (unwto) reported that the recovery of chinese outbound and inbound tourism is expected to accelerate in 2024, turbocharging the recovery of the global tourism market.
龙年春节也让世界看到了中国经济的活力,提振了全年的市场预期和信心。 春节假期期间,中国国内游客共消费6326亿元,比2019年同期增长7%7%。春节档票房达80亿元,打破历史纪录。 火热的出境游,让全球分享春节消费红利,体验欢乐祥和的春节。
the spring festival of the year of the dragon offers the world a window on china’s economic vibrancy, which has boosted market expectations and confidence and augurs well for 2024. during the spring festival holiday, china’s domestic tourism spending hit rmb 632.6 billion, up by 7.7 percent from the same holiday period in 2019. china’s box office revenue during the festival totaled rmb 8 billion, marking a new record high. the booming outbound tr**el also brought dividends of the holiday consumption and auspiciousness and joy of the lunar new year to the world.
这是一年中的好时机。 我们将继续推动中外人文交流便利化,推动高水平对外开放,为各国分享中国机遇提供更好条件。
as the spring festival heralds an upward momentum of growth, china will continue to facilitate cross-border tr**el, promote high-level opening up and create more f**orable conditions for countries to share in opportunities brought by china.
阿纳多卢通讯社记者:今天,国际法院将就以色列历史上占领巴勒斯坦领土举行听证会。 联合国最高法院将听取以色列对巴勒斯坦人自决权的否认以及对巴勒斯坦人的歧视,并就此问题形成法律意见。 中方对此案有何立场?
anadolu agency: today, the international court of justice will open hearings about israel’s historical occupation of palestinian territories. the un top court will hear about israel’s denial of palestinians’ right to self-determination and its discrimination against the population to form a legal opinion about it. what is china’s position about these proceedings?
毛宁:根据国际法院的咨询意见,中国于去年7月25日向国际法院提交了书面意见,我们还将参加国际法院的口头程序,阐述中国在巴以问题上的政策和主张,澄清其在民族自决等国际法问题上的立场。 国际人道主义法、国际人权法和国家责任,并表示我们坚定地支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复其合法民族权利的正义事业。中方愿同国际社会一道,继续为早日解决巴勒斯坦问题、实现中东持久和平与稳定作出积极贡献。
mao ning: on the advisory opinion by the international court of justice, china submitted its written statement on july 25 last year and will take part in the public hearings of the icj to h**e an in-depth elaboration on china’s policy propositions on the question of palestine, state china’s positions on relevant international law issues regarding the right to self-determination, international humanitarian law, international human rights law and state responsibility, and express china’s firm support for the just cause of the palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and interests. china stands ready to work with the rest of the international community to continue **positive contribution to an early settlement of the palestinian question and the realization of lasting peace and stability in the middle east.
《环球时报》记者:据报道,菲律宾渔业和水产资源局发言人11月17日表示,中国渔民在黄岩岛蓄意破坏传统渔场。 中方对此有何回应?
global times: it is reported that the spokesperson of the bureau of fisheries and aquatic resources of the philippines claimed on february 17 that chinese fishermen h**e been using cyanide in huangyan dao to intentionally destroy the traditional fishing grounds of filipino fishermen. what is your response?
毛宁:菲方上述表态纯属凭空捏造。 中国对黄岩岛及其邻近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。 中国高度重视生态环境保护和渔业资源保护,坚决打击非法捕捞活动。
mao ning: this claim is sheer fabrication. china has indisputable sovereignty over huangyan dao and its adjacent waters. the chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of eco-environment and conservation of fishing resources and resolutely fights against fishing activities that violate laws and regulations.
湖北广播电视台记者:日本著名指挥家小泽征尔近日去世,享年88岁。 许多中国网民在社交媒体上表达了哀悼。 中方对此有何评论?
hubei media group: the famous japanese conductor seiji ozawa recently died at 88 years old. many chinese h**e mourned his passing on social media platforms. what’s the foreign ministry’s comment?
毛宁:作为享誉全球的世界级指挥家,小泽征尔先生与中国有着深厚的联系,为中国人民所熟悉。 他出生在中国,在中国度过了童年。 他热心中日民间交流,多次来华演出,以实际行动为中日友好事业作出积极贡献。 我们对小泽征尔先生的逝世表示哀悼,并向他的家人表示哀悼。 据我了解,中国同协会和中国驻日本大使馆也向小泽征尔先生的家属发来了慰问电,表示哀悼。
mao ning: as a renowned world-class conductor, mr. seiji ozawa, familiar to chinese people, had a strong bond with china. he was born in china where he spent his early childhood. as an enthusiast of china-japan people-to-people and cultural exchanges, he visited china and performed in the country quite a few times, actively contributing to china-japan friendship with concrete actions. we mourn his loss and extend our sympathies to his family. to my knowledge, china musicians association and the chinese embassy in japan also sent messages of condolences to his family to express their sympathies.
we hope more people, including those with vision, from our two countries will continue to show an interest in and support the growth of china-japan relations and play the music of lasting china-japan amity.
印度报业托拉斯(PTI):巴基斯坦的选举结果公布已经几周了,没有一个政党赢得决定性的优势,因此各政党正在努力组建新的政党。 中方是否担心巴方可能出现政治不稳定?
pti: it’s about weeks since the results of the pakistan elections h**e come out. no political party in pakistan has won a decisive mandate, so the parties there are struggling to form a government. is china concerned about the likely political instability in the country?
毛宁:我们注意到,巴基斯坦总体上是稳定和顺利的,我们尊重巴基斯坦人民的选择。 我们希望并相信,巴基斯坦有关各方能够团结一致,保持稳定,妥善处理有关问题,共同为国家发展创造未来。
mao ning: we noted that general elections in pakistan are held in a generally steady and smooth manner and we fully respect the choice of the pakistani people. we hope and believe that relevant parties of pakistan will uphold solidarity, maintain stability and properly handle relevant issues to jointly open up a brighter future for the development of the country.
阿纳多卢通讯社记者:中方对俄罗斯反对派人物纳瓦尔尼在狱中死亡有何评论? 你似乎在周末回答了法新社关于这个问题的问题,但你没有在***中看到它。 因此,我想再次询问中方对上述事件的评论。
anadolu agency: do you h**e any comment about the death of russian opposition figure alexei n**alny in a prison in russia? because i think over the weekend you answered the question from afp about the matter, but you h**en’t published it in your website. so i wonder if you h**e any comment about the opposition figure’s death?
mao ning: this is russia’s internal affair. i h**e no comment on it.
阿纳多卢通讯社记者:北约秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格批评了中国对纳瓦尔尼在狱中死亡的反应。 斯里兰卡表示,该事件不是俄罗斯的内政,而是俄罗斯统治的结果。 在某种程度上,他将中国的回应与中国在乌克兰问题上支持俄罗斯的指控联系起来。 中方对北约秘书长上述言论有何回应?
anadolu agency: nato secretary general jens stoltenberg criticized your response to n**alny’s death in russian prison. he said it’s not russia’s internal affair, but it’s a result of an authoritarian regime in moscow. and he somewhat linked this response to your alleged support to russia in the ukrainian war. what’s your response to the comments of the secretary general of nato jens stoltenberg?
mao ning: first and foremost, different from nato, china never interferes in other countries’ internal affairs.
china’s position on the ukraine issue is very clear and consistent. we h**e been committed to talks for peace.
nato should stop its tricks of hyping up tensions and interfering in other countries’ internal affairs to expand its sphere of influence and stop smearing china and stoking antagonism and confrontation. nato should earnestly take concrete action for the peace and stability in europe.
彭博社记者:据《华尔街》报道,美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长在慕尼黑表示,中国在美国关键基础设施网络上植入了“规模空前”的攻击性恶意软件。 中方对此有何评论?
bloomberg: the wall street journal has reported that the director of the fbi said in munich that beijing’s efforts to plant offensive malware inside us critical infrastructure networks is now at “a scale greater than we’d seen before.” does the foreign ministry h**e any comments?
毛宁:中方坚决反对并依法打击任何形式的网络攻击。 在缺乏有效证据的情况下,美方对中方下结论,对中国进行毫无根据的指责和抹黑,这是极其不负责任的,纯属混淆是非。 中方对此坚决反对。
mao ning: china firmly opposes and cracks down on all forms of cyberattacks in accordance with law. without valid evidence, the us jumped to an unwarranted conclusion and made groundless accusations against china. it is extremely irresponsible and is a complete distortion of facts. china firmly opposes this.
事实上,正是美国网络部队司令部公开将其他国家的关键基础设施列为网络攻击的合法目标。 自去年以来,中国网络安全机构发布报告显示,美国**长期以来一直在对中国的关键基础设施进行网络攻击。 这种不负责任的政策和做法使世界的关键基础设施面临巨大风险。 美方应停止全球网络盗窃和攻击,停止利用网络安全问题抹黑别国。
in fact, it is the us cyber force command that openly declared that the critical infrastructure of other countries is a legitimate target for us cyberattacks. since last year, china’s cybersecurity agencies h**e released reports revealing the us government’s long-running cyberattacks against china’s critical infrastructure. such irresponsible policy and practices h**e exposed global critical infrastructure to huge risks. the us needs to stop its worldwide cyber espionage and cyberattacks, and stop smearing other countries under the excuse of cyber security.