
小夏 教育 更新 2024-02-20

瑞士再保险制作了一张图表,突出了近年来世界海洋格局发生的巨大变化。 红海、黑海、巴拿马运河和几条河流都面临着航运中断。 瑞士再保险在一份题为《航海中断:前方波涛汹涌的迹象》的新报告中指出:“在疫情造成严重中断后不久,全球航线的压力再次给全球**链带来压力。

a chart from swiss re shows the dramatic changes of the global ocean transport in the recent years. and shipping is disrupted in many channels, such as the red sea, the black sea, and the panama canal. a new report with its title of “n**igating shipping disruptions: signs of rougher seas ahead” published by swiss re said, “pressure on global shipping routes is creating stress in global supply chains again, soon after the acute disruption experienced in the pandemic.”

CMA CGM将从3月1日起实施应急措施,因为通过红海航道周围的好望角航线改道导致额外费用。 这家法国海运公司将在从巴布亚新几内亚到北欧、斯堪的纳维亚半岛、波兰、波罗的海、地中海东部和西部、亚得里亚海和黑海的航线上收取 1,550 美元的集装箱费用。

cma cgm will implement a contingency charge from 1 march due to the additional expenses caused by rerouting services via the cape of good hope to bypass the red sea passage. the french ocean carrier will apply a charge of us$1,550/container from papua new guinea to north europe, scandin**ia, poland, baltic, east and west mediterranean, adriatic and black sea.

2月14日,清洁航运集团招商银行Tech宣布已与雅苒及其子公司雅苒清洁氨(YCA)和北海集装箱航运公司(NCL)合作,在青岛订购全球首艘氨动力1400TEU冰级集装箱船“Yara Eyde”,预计将于2026年年中交付,并将服务于挪威和德国之间的航线。

cmb.tech announced on february 14 that it will cooperate with yara and its subsidiaries, yara clean ammonia (yca) and north sea container line (ncl), to build "yara eyde" in qingdao, the world's first 1,400 teu ship running on clean ammonia, to sail sea route between norway and germany. and it is expected to be delivered in mid-2026.

红海危机导致从远东到美国的海运价格飙升了150%以上,但托运人似乎即将松一口气。 Xeneta发布的最新数据显示,自2月初实施上一轮全面加息(GRI)以来,从远东到美国的即期利率略有下降,可能已经见顶。 美国东海岸的运价从2月1日的每FEU(40英尺集装箱)6,260美元略微下降到2月15日的6,100美元。 在同一时期,西海岸的费率从每FEU4730美元下降到4680美元。

the red sea crisis sent ocean freight rates from the far east to the us spiralling by more than 150%, but there appears to be some relief on the horizon for shippers. the latest data released by xeneta indicates a peak may h**e been reached after spot rates from the far east into the us declined slightly since the last round of general rate increases (gris) were implemented at the start of february. into the us east coast, rates h**e fallen slightly from usd$6260 per feu (40ft container) on 1 february to us$6100 on 15 february. rates on the west coast h**e declined from us$4730 per feu to us$4680 in the same period.

2017年由韩国航运公司Keumyang Shipping建造的3,562载重吨Keum Yang 6在当地时间晚上9点从韩国光阳出发向中国运送钢铁产品后,在济州岛西归浦西南61公里处被洪水淹没。 截至当地时间2月16日凌晨1时30分,包括两名韩国人、三名印尼人和六名缅甸人在内的11名船员全部获救。

the 2017-built 3,562 dwt keum yang 6, owned by south korean shipping company keumyang shipping, was sailing from gwangyang, south korea, carrying steel products to china when the vessel became flooded 61km southwest off seogwipo, jeju islan. by 1.30 am local time on 16 february, all 11 crewmen, comprising two south koreans, three indonesians and six myanmar nationals, were rescued.




    当地时间月日,一艘集装箱船 Stride 号停靠美国休斯敦港 造成两名船员死亡,一名船员被烧伤,情况危急。STRIDE建于年,容量为,标准箱,悬挂巴拿马国旗,由希腊船东Danaos Shipping管理。事发时,STRIDE从巴里奥斯港抵达休斯顿港。local time on january ,a ...

    12月20日 E PORTS航运新闻发布会

    从 月 日起,航运将包含在欧盟排放交易体系中。因此,访问欧盟港口的船舶将被要求通过购买等量的欧盟配额 EUAS 来抵消其适用的二氧化碳航行排放。数据显示,明年从拉斯塔努拉到鹿特丹的欧盟排放交易体系每航次成本约为万美元,相当于当前货运成本的 到年,当该法规 全面实施时,这一成本将增加到万美元。from...

    12月22日 E PORTS航运新闻发布会

    月日下午,韩国 新光 号轮在长江常熟段宿桥下沉时起火,船上载有人,船上无货。截至时分,遇险人已全部获救,事故原因正在调查中。in the afternoon of december ,the korean ship sunbeam caught fire,and burst into flames ...

    12月29日 E PORTS航运新闻发布会

    也门胡塞武装日发表声明称,地中海航运公司的一艘商船在拒绝胡塞武装发出的三次警告后,在红海向胡塞武装发射了 导弹。MSC地中海航运公司在一份声明中证实,其集装箱船MSC United VIII周二在红海航行时遭到袭击。所有机组人员均安全,没有人员 报告。yemen s houthi armed for...


    标题。经济新观察 争夺 智能计算 贵州智能计算中心掀起了落地热潮。随着围绕 东数西算 工程推进和新基建建设等一系列国家政策和省级扶持政策的加快落地,全省智能计算中心掀起了落地热潮。热点。做优 农芯 种 金锭 贵州着力推动种业高质量发展。种子是农业的 筹码 培育新品种,生产良种,夯实粮食安全种业基础,...