12月20日 E PORTS航运新闻发布会

小夏 教育 更新 2024-01-30

从 1 月 1 日起,航运将包含在欧盟排放交易体系中。 因此,访问欧盟港口的船舶将被要求通过购买等量的欧盟配额 (EUAS) 来抵消其适用的二氧化碳航行排放。 数据显示,明年从拉斯塔努拉到鹿特丹的欧盟排放交易体系每航次成本约为20万美元,相当于当前货运成本的4%,到2024年,当该法规100%全面实施时,这一成本将增加到50万美元。

from january 1, shipping will be included in the eu ets (eu emissions trading system). as a result, ships visiting eu ports will be required to offset their applicable co2 sailing emissions by purchasing an equivalent amount of eu allowances (euas). figures show that the eu ets cost for a vlcc tr**eling from ras tanura to rotterdam will be around $200,000 per voyage next year, which is equivalent to 4% of the current cost of shipping, increasing to $500,000 by 2026, when the regulation is fully phased in at 100%.

一艘轻便型散货船被确认在阿拉伯海地区被索马里海盗劫持,其船员下落不明。 胡塞武装的武装威胁使红海的交通陷入瘫痪,该地区的不稳定为长期消失的索马里海盗卷土重来提供了机会。

a handysize bulk carrier has been identified as h**ing been hijacked by somali pirates in the arabian sea region, with the whereabouts of its crew unknown. the armed threat of the houthi rebels has paralyzed traffic in the red sea area, and the instability of the region has provided an opportunity for the long-lost somali pirates to make a comeback.

上海国际港务集团(上港集团)与长荣集团在上海港签署绿色甲醇**及加注合作谅解备忘录。 根据协议,上港集团将为计划于2024年和2024年交付的长荣甲醇双燃料船提供绿色甲醇采购**和加注服务。 双方还同意共同推进碳减排,将上海港建设成为亚太地区低碳环保的能源枢纽港口。

shanghai international port group (sipg) and evergreen signed a memorandum of understanding (mou) on green methanol supply and bunkering cooperation for shanghai port. under the agreement, sipg will provide green methanol procurement, supply and bunkering services for evergreen's methanol dual-fuel vessels scheduled for delivery in 2026 and 2027. the two sides also agreed to jointly promote carbon emission reduction and build shanghai port into a low-carbon and environmentally friendly energy hub port in the asia-pacific region.


as a result of recent rains, a smaller-than-expected drop in the water level at gatun lake and the success of the canal's water conservation measures, the panama canal authority has announced that the number of daily transits through the panama canal will increase, starting january 16, 2024, from the current 22 to 24 ships.

日本航运巨头三井物产(MOL)决定于2024年1月在日本国内市场公开发行五年期蓝色债券。 蓝色债券是一种开创性的金融工具,旨在支持可持续海洋和渔业项目,用于为解决环境问题的绿色项目提供资金,发行收益仅限于与防止海洋污染、可持续海洋资源等相关的项目。

japanese shipping giant mitsui & co. (mol) has decided to launch a five-year public offering of “blue bonds” in january 2024 in the japanese domestic market. the blue bond is a type of green bond issued to finance green projects that aim to solve environmental problems and is issued with the use of proceeds limited to projects related to the prevention of marine pollution, sustainable marine resources, and so on.




    邮储银行将于月日调整存款利息,万元一年的利息是多少?今天是月日,邮政储蓄银行是实力雄厚的六家国有银行之一,营业网点遍地开花,全国网点超过万家。这家银行是银行界的网点之王,其他商业银行无与伦比。顺便说一句,邮政储蓄银行非常贴近人民,一直从事 存钱送礼 的活动。尤其是中老年人,他们喜欢在这里省钱。我们来...

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    工商银行月日的存款利息是新调整的,万存两年的利息是多少?工商银行作为六大国有银行之一,实力雄厚,营业网点遍布全国。在福布斯全球银行排行榜中一直位居榜首,被誉为 宇宙第一银行 作为一家大型国有银行,工商银行享有很高的声誉,存款非常安全,所以很多人都喜欢选择把钱留在这里。那么,如果我们在工商银行存入万元...




    月日NBA篮球比赛分析 鹈鹕vs灰熊 鹈鹕 胜 回顾 月日,新奥尔良鹈鹕队客场 击败马刺队,这一次鹈鹕队的三巨头合计砍下分,瓦兰丘纳斯砍下分,板凳球员也发挥出色,总共得到分月日,灰熊队在客场以 不敌雷霆队,灰熊队全场被压制,未能发挥,导致客场惨败。本场比赛观赏 鹈鹕队在主场取胜,格局小,分差分左右。...