12月22日 E PORTS航运新闻发布会

小夏 教育 更新 2024-01-30

12月21日下午,韩国“新光”号轮在长江常熟段宿桥下沉时起火,船上载有22人,船上无货。 截至16时50分,遇险22人已全部获救,事故原因正在调查中。

in the afternoon of december 21, the korean ship "sunbeam" caught fire, and burst into flames when it was tr**eling downstream to the changshu section of the yangtze river around suqiao, with 22 people on board and no cargo on board. as of 16:50, all 22 people in distress had been rescued, and the cause of the accident was under investigation.

关税税则委员会12月21日宣布,将于2024年调整部分商品进出口关税。 公告显示,自2024年1月1日起,我国将对1010种商品实施低于最惠国税率的进口暂定税率。

the customs tariff commission of the state council of china issued a public announcement on december 21 that in 2024, the import and export tariffs of some commodities will be adjusted. according to the announcement, starting from january 1, 2024, china will implement temporary import tariff rates lower than the most-f**ored-nation (mfn) tariff rate for 1010 items of commodities.


on december 20, malaysian prime minister anwar announced that vessels of israel-based star integrated shipping (zim) would be blocked and not allowed to berth in any malaysian ports and ordered the country's ministry of transportation to implement the permanent ban immediately.

法国集装箱航运公司CMA CGM (CMA CGM)宣布对全球多条航线征收新的巴拿马运河附加费。 特别是,从1月12日起,达飞轮船将对从美国西海岸洛杉矶、长滩和奥克兰港到北欧、斯堪的纳维亚半岛、波兰和波罗的海的所有类型的货物征收每标准箱150美元的附加费。

french container shipping company cma cgm has announced new panama canal surcharges for several routes worldwide. in particular, cma cgm will implement a surcharge of us$150 per teu for all types of cargo from the us west coast ports of los angeles, long beach and oakland to north europe, scandin**ia, poland and baltic, effective from 12 january.

日本邮船将在内里岛造船厂建造的LNG运输船中使用先进的可变压缩比(VCR)系统,该系统可动态调节发动机燃烧室中的空气压缩比,确保基于发动机功率和LNG燃料特定特性的最佳平衡。 第一艘船预计将于2024年交付。

nyk is set to implement a cutting-edge variable compression ratio (vcr) system in the construction of lng-fuelled car carriers by shin kurushima dockyard. this system has the capability to dynamically adjust the air compression ratio within the engine combustion chamber, ensuring an optimal balance tailored to engine power and the specific properties of lng fuel.the first vessel is anticipated for delivery in 2026.



    12月20日 E PORTS航运新闻发布会

    从 月 日起,航运将包含在欧盟排放交易体系中。因此,访问欧盟港口的船舶将被要求通过购买等量的欧盟配额 EUAS 来抵消其适用的二氧化碳航行排放。数据显示,明年从拉斯塔努拉到鹿特丹的欧盟排放交易体系每航次成本约为万美元,相当于当前货运成本的 到年,当该法规 全面实施时,这一成本将增加到万美元。from...


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    12月22日 IPO快讯

    上海和深圳证券交易所 宏盛华源 月日,宏盛华源登陆上海证券交易所主板。公司主营业务为输电线路铁塔的研发 生产和销售,主要产品为全系列电压等级输电线路铁塔,包括角钢铁塔 钢管铁塔 钢管杆 变电站结构支架等。此外,公司还生产通信塔 工程机械用钢构件等少量钢结构产品。筹款 在本次IPO中,宏盛华源计划发行...


    度粉,度神秘。谁说吉林的冬天是广阔的。在城市的 中,积雪裂开成山谷。你能相信吗?收起你的下巴。和Koji一起去。探索长春北湖的秘密雪谷。月日。帷幕即将拉开!让我们一起见面 雕刻精美的雪雕。一个像秘密峡谷一样的雪裂谷。一个五颜六色的幻灯片,充满欢笑和欢乐。一切都在如火如荼地有序进行。努力做到最好。问候...