photo: yonsei university
scientists at south korea’s yonsei university h**e created a new type of hybrid rice that not only has a meaty pink color but is also packed with beef protein and fat cells.
rice is already one of the most nutritious foods **ailable in nature, but thanks to some scientific ‘magic’, it could soon become a viable, sustainable alternative to meat. a team of researchers at the yonsei university in seoul, south korea, managed to create a rice hybrid laced with beef protein and fat cells. the new pink rice has 8 percent more protein and 7 percent more fat than regular rice, and while it doesn’t yet taste like beef, it does carry a “unique blend of aromas, including a slight nuttiness and umami which are characteristic of meat”. thanks to the integrated animal cells, this new pink rice could one day become a complete meal by itself, ensuring a sufficient, sustainable food supply for the whole world.
大米是自然界最有营养的食物之一,但在科学魔法的帮助下,大米将很快成为肉类的可行和可持续替代品。 韩国首尔延世大学的一组研究人员开发了一种含有牛肉蛋白和脂肪细胞的杂交大米。 这种新的粉红米的蛋白质含量分别比普通米高出 8% 和脂肪 7%。 虽然它没有牛肉味,但这种米饭有一种“独特的香气,带有一点肉类特有的嚼劲和鲜味”。 由于动物细胞的加入,这种新的粉红大米有朝一日将能够自己成为一顿完整的饭菜,为世界提供充足和可持续的食物**。
imagine obtaining all the nutrients we need from cell-cultured protein rice,” said park so-hyeon, co-author of the study published in the matter scientific journal. “rice already has a high nutrient level, but adding cells from livestock can further boost it.”
该研究的合著者Park Sang-hyun说:“想象一下,从细胞培养的蛋白质大米中获取我们需要的所有营养。 大米本来就很有营养,但将其添加到牲畜的细胞中将进一步提高其营养价值。 该研究发表在科学期刊《物质》上。
so how does one go about infusing rice with beef? well, knowing that lab-grown cells need artificial scaffolds to create tissue, researchers at yonsei university decided that the porous nature of rice would make ideal scaffolding. to help the beef cells latch onto the rice grains, the latter were coated in fish gelatin and left to culture in a petri dish for up to 11 days.
那么,他们是如何想到将米饭和牛肉结合在一起的呢? 延世大学的研究人员知道实验室培养的细胞需要人工基质来产生组织,因此他们决定使用大米,因为它的多孔结构使其成为理想的培养基。 为了帮助牛肉细胞附着在米粒上,将米粒涂上鱼明胶,并在培养皿中培养长达 11 天。
photo: yonsei university
the hybrid grains are more firm and brittle than natural grains, and when cooked they retain their traditional appearance. while the rice doesn’t really taste like beef yet, it “offers a pleasant and novel fl**or experience,” and pairs well with a variety of dishes.
这种杂交大米的米粒比天然米粒更硬、更脆,煮熟后仍保持其传统外观。 这种米饭虽然没有牛肉味,但有一种“令人愉悦的新味道”,适合各种菜肴。
for their first experiments, scientists used cells from hanwoo cattle slaughtered at the local abattoir, but in the future, they plan to use sustainable supplies of cells that can be maintained in the lab. they are also exploring the possibility of lacing the rice with other types of meat or fish, in order to cater to different tastes.
在最初的实验中,科学家们使用了在当地屠宰场屠宰的韩国牛肉的细胞,但在未来,他们计划使用实验室中生长的可持续牛肉细胞。 科学家们还将探索将大米与其他肉类或鱼类杂交以满足不同口味的可能性。
for now, the percentage of protein in the hybrid rice is still relatively low. to actually replace meat, researchers would need to increase protein content significantly.
目前,这种杂交水稻的蛋白质含量相对较低。 为了能够替代肉类,研究人员需要大幅增加这种大米的蛋白质含量。
中文(简体) **: Oddity Central
审稿人: Qi Lei, Dong Jing.