增材制造 PyroGenesis 获得 NexGen 等离子雾化粉末的美国专利

小夏 科技 更新 2024-01-30


标签: 增材制造


the patent describes the innovative aspects of the nexgen system that create the potential for higher and more efficient production rates

Pyrogenesis Canada Inc. 是一家设计、开发、制造和商业化先进的等离子体工艺和可持续解决方案以减少温室气体 (GHG) 和解决环境污染物的高科技公司,已获得美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 授予 Nexgen 等离子体雾化粉末专利 (US11839918)。

pyrogenesis canada inc., a high-tech companythat designs, develops, manufactures, and commercializes advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions that are geared to reduce greenhouse gases (ghg) and address environmental pollutants, has been awarded a patent (us 11839918) from the united states patent and trademark office (uspto)for its nexgen plasma atomization powder.

这项名为“从一根或两根焊丝以高生产率生产高纯度球形金属粉末的方法和装置”的美国专利描述了该公司用于生产增材制造中使用的金属粉末的Nexgen等离子雾化技术。 特别是,该专利描述了NEXGEN系统的创新方面,这些方面创造了更高、更高效的生产率的潜力,包括一种两线同时进料的方法,在这种方法中,线材本身在到达等离子雾化步骤之前被充电。

this us patent, titled, “method and apparatus for producing high purity spherical metallic powders at high production rates from one or two wires”, describes the company’s nexgen plasma atomization technology for producing metal powder for use in additive manufacturing. in particular, the patent describes the innovative aspects of the nexgen system that create the potential for higher and more efficient production rates, including a two-wire simultaneous feedstock approach where the wires themselves are electrically charged prior to reaching the plasma atomization step.

Pyrogenesis首席技术官兼首席策略师、该技术的共同发明人Pierre Carabin表示:“Nexgen工艺与传统的等离子雾化工艺有很大不同,因为Nexgen提高的效率不仅是为了更高的生产率,而且是为了更窄的粒径分布,以实现更高的均匀性和一致性,并能够根据客户要求定制粒度分布(PSD)。 “对于热解发生,这意味着在一个系统中仅使用一个等离子炬生产更多粉末,这符合我们的商品安全和优化业务战略。 对于我们的客户来说,这意味着他们可以从典型的等离子雾化中获得最好、最球形一致、最致密的粉末,但通过从北美购买的额外好处**,它可以提供更高的产量和更少的公认关键矿物浪费,同时也更节能,帮助他们减少碳足迹并实现范围 3 排放目标。 ”

the nexgen process is a significant departure from conventional plasma atomization, as the improved efficiency from nexgen not only targets higher production rates, but also narrower particle size distribution for more uniformity and consistency, and an ability to tailor particle size distribution (psd) to customer requirements,” said pierre carabin, chief technology officer and chief strategist at pyrogenesis, and the co-inventor of the technology.

for pyrogenesis, that means producing more powder in a single system and with only a single plasma torch – in accordance with our commodity security and optimization business strategy. for our customers, that means they receive the finest, most spherically-consistent, and densest powders from typical plasma atomization, but with the added benefits of buying from a north american-based source that offers higher yield and less waste of a recognized critical mineral, while also being more energy efficient – helping them to reduce their carbon footprint and meet their scope 3 emissions targets.”


traditional plasma atomization – using either a single wire centrally fed through a plasma torch, or three plasma torches aiming at one centrally-positioned wire – has the primary disadvantage of h**ing a relatively low production rate in comparison to water and gas atomization, because plasma atomization is a very energetically inefficient process.

为了解决这个问题,Pyrogenesis Additive 的 Nexgen 系统为两个独立的线轴(如钛)供电,这些线轴首先充电,产生电弧以熔化线,然后等离子火炬使用超音速等离子体流将熔化的线雾化成粉末颗粒。 这使得金属的雾化效率更高,从而显着提高了产量。

to combat this, pyrogenesis additive’s nexgen system feeds two separate spools of metal wire (such as titanium) that are first electrically charged, creating an electrical arc that melts the wire before a plasma torch atomizes the melted wire into powder particles using a supersonic plasma stream. this results in a more efficient atomization of the metal – raising production output significantly.

热解增材副总裁Massimo Dattilo表示:“等离子雾化被认为是增材制造粉末生产的标准。 ”。热解不仅发明了工艺,还发明了名称,现在在工业上被广泛使用。 由于我们对持续改进的承诺,当我们决定重新进入市场时,我们的任务是通过重新设计的系统将等离子雾化提升到一个新的水平,我们将其命名为“Nexgen”。 Nexgen对美国专利的确认是对我们方法的关键验证,也是我们在重新进入市场时检查的另一个主要问题。 ”

plasma atomization is considered the gold standard for the production of additive manufacturing powder,” said massimo dattilo, vice president of pyrogenesis additive. “pyrogenesis not only invented the process, but coined the name, which is now widely used in the industry. because of our dedication to continuous improvement, when we decided to re-enter the market, we did so with a mandate to advance plasma atomization to the next level through a redesigned system we named “nexgen”. the confirmation of this us patent for nexgen is a key validation of our approach and another major box checked in our market re-entry progress.”


the company has patents pending in canada and other global jurisdictions for the same nexgen plasma atomization process.

Dattilo补充道:“Nexgen的效率大幅提高,改变了我们生产过程中的粒度分布,这意味着我们每次生产的平均细粉量更大,其中还包括5米至20米范围内的细粉,用于粘结剂喷射和金属注射成型(MIM)。 我们相信,MIM是未来的关键市场,除了我们可以为激光床应用提供的细粉外,随着越来越多的公司,特别是消费电子公司,继续从不锈钢转向钛,以实现减重和减少腐蚀。 ”

the substantially improved efficiency of nexgen, which has shifted the particle size distribution of our production runs, means the larger **erage amount of finer cut powder we can produce per run also includes fine powders in the 5μm – 20μm range suitable for use in binder jetting and metal injection molding (mim). we see mim – in addition to the fine powders we can offer for laser bed applications – as a key market ahead, as more companies especially in consumer electronics continue to move from stainless steel to titanium to achieve weight and corrosion reduction,” added dattilo.


after several years of r&d, the company recently achieved full commercialization and entrance into the titanium metal powders marketplace withits first by-the-ton commercial order.

p.Peter Pascali说:“为了在增材制造行业生产最高质量的金属粉末,Pyrogenesis Additive在过去几年中采取了谨慎、有条不紊的方法来设计和准备我们新的Nexgen等离子雾化工艺。 “随着我们技术的完全商业化和美国专利的确认,我们对增材制造的未来持乐观态度,增材制造将能够获得各种各样的金属粉末产品。” ”

with a goal to produce the highest quality metal powders in the additive manufacturing industry, pyrogenesis additive has taken a cautious, methodical approach over the past few years as we designed, then readied, our new nexgen plasma atomization process,” said p. peter pascali, president and ceo pyrogenesis canada inc. “with full commercialization achieved, and now with the us patent confirmed for our technology, we look forward with great optimism regarding our future, with an ever-widening range of metal powder offerings becoming **ailable to the additive manufacturing industry.”

该公司开发高质量的钛粉是其三层解决方案生态系统的一部分,该生态系统与全球重工业的关键经济驱动力保持一致。 金属粉末是公司商品安全和优化层的一部分,在该层中制造可行的金属并优化生产以提高产量,有助于最大限度地提高原材料并增加关键矿物的可用性。 加拿大**和世界上许多其他国家**已将钛确定为关键矿物。

the company’s development of high-quality titanium metal powders is part of its three-tiered solution ecosystem that aligns with economic drivers that are key to global he**y industry. metal powders are part of the company’s commodity security and optimization tier, where the recovery of viable metals, and the optimization of production to increase output, helps to maximize raw materials and improve the **ailability of critical minerals. titanium has been identified as a critical mineral by the canadian government and many other governments worldwide.

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