
小夏 社会 更新 2024-01-30

义务的履行是指债务人按照合同规定或者法律的规定充分履行义务。 它是债务最重要的影响,也是债务人最重要的义务。

债务的履行不同于付款和偿还。 受偿是指债务人应有的具体行为,常用于债务标的物,具有抽象的、静态的含义清偿是指债务人履行义务的效果,通常用于债务消灭的原因;而履行则是指债务人为履行债务内容而需要采取的具体行为,具有具体的、动态的含义。 债权人未通知债务人而分立、合并、变更住所,致使债务履行困难的,债务人可以中止履行或者交存标的物。




the obligee may reject the obligor's advance performance of its obligations, except that the advance performance does not harm the obligee's interests.


any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor's advance performance of its obligations shall be borne by the obligor.




an obligee may reject the obligor's partial performance, except that the partial performance of its obligations does not harm the obligee's interests.


any additional expense incurred by the obligee due to the obligor's partial performance of its obligations shall be borne by the obligor.


thus, a model law may embrace: (a) both consensual and non-consensual security rights; (b) security rights in both movable and immovable property; (c) possessory security rights and mere enforcement preferences; and (d) the use of title to secure performance of an obligation.

因此,《示范法》可包括:(a) 合意担保权和非合意担保权;(b) 合意担保权;(b) 合意担保权;(c) 合意担保权;(c)(b) 动产和不动产上的担保权;(c) 占有式担保权和简单强制执行优先权;以及(d)使用产权来确保义务的履行。

in situations where the secured creditor proposes to a grantor/licensee to acquire the licence in total or partial satisfaction of the secured obligation and neither the grantor nor any other interested party (such as the debtor, any other person owing performance of the secured obligation or any person with rights in the encumbered asset; see recommendations 156-158) object (and the licence agreement does not prohibit the transfer of the licence), the secured creditor becomes vested with the licence according to the terms of the licence agreement between the licensee and the li***


to borrow or raise money in such manner as the company shall think fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures and to secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing, by mortgage, charge, or lien upon the whole or any part of the company’s property or assets (whether present or future) including its uncalled capital, and also by a similar mortgage, charge, or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the company of any obligation or liability it may undertake.

以本公司认为合适的方式借款或筹集资金,特别是通过发行债券和以抵押、抵押或留置权的方式,以本公司的全部或任何部分财产或资产(无论是现在的还是以后的财产或资产)(包括其未收回的股本)来确保偿还任何借款, 筹集或负债的款项,以及担保和担保公司通过类似抵押、抵押或留置权可能产生的任何义务或责任的履行。



    履约瑕疵是指债务人履约瑕疵,即履约不符合约定或者约定的条件,致使履约的价值或者效用降低或者丧失的情形。在中国法律中,性能缺陷被称为 质量不合格 迟延履行是指被执行人在判决 裁定或者其他法律文书规定的期限内未履行支付款项义务的,应当加倍计算迟延履行期间的债务利息。被执行人未在判决 裁定或者其他法律文书...

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