
小夏 社会 更新 2024-01-30









代位求偿权的行使范围限于债权人的债权。 债权人行使代位求偿权的必要费用,由债务人承担。 where the obligor is remiss in exercising its due creditor's right, thereby harming the obligee's interests, the obligee may petition the people's court for subrogation in its own name,except that the creditor's right exclusively belongs to the obligor.

the extent to which the subrogation rights can be exercised is limited to the obligee's rights. the expenses necessary for the obligee to exercise such subrogation rights shall be borne by the obligor.


债务人放弃应有债权或者无偿转让财产,给债权人造成损害的,债权人可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。 债务人以明显不合理的低价转让财产,给债权人造成损害,受让人知悉的,债权人也可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。

撤销权的行使范围仅限于债权人的债权。 债权人行使撤销权的必要费用由债务人承担。 where the obligor waives its creditor's right against a third party that is due or assigns its property without reward, thereby harming the obligee's interests, the obligee may petition the people's court for cancellation of the obligor's act. where the obligor assigns its property at a low price which is manifestly unreasonable, thereby harming the obligee's interests, and the assignee is aware of the situation, the obligee may also petition the people's court for cancellation of the obligor's act.

the extent to which the right to cancel can be exercised is limited to the rights of the obligee. the expenses necessary for the obligee to exercise the right to cancel shall be borne by the obligor.


撤销权应当自债权人知道或者应当知道撤销理由之日起一年内行使。 自债务人行为之日起五年内未行使撤销权的,撤销权消灭。

the right to cancel shall be exercised within one year form the date the obligee knows or should h**e known of the matter for cancellation. such right to cancel shall lapse if the obligee fails to exercise such rights within five years from the date of the occurrence of such act.


questions of contract law not dealt with in these principles such as consumer protection, incapacity, authority of an agent, set-off, assignment of other rights than intellectual property rights, legal subrogation, multitude of debtors and compensation between them as well as obligations arising from pre-contractual relationships shall be governed by the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law of the forum state.


to provide an initial response to the law society of hong kong (law soc)’s submission dated 27 june 2003, in particular paragraph 4 of the submission on “subrogation rights”, as soon as practicable so as to enable law soc to comment on the administration’s initial response before the tenth bills committee meeting on 17 july 2003.






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