
小夏 教育 更新 2024-03-04

to the one who feels lost.


not all of us are born with extraordinary talents or innate gifts. in the vast sea of humanity, some of us might even be considered ordinary.


however, our lives are more than hasty poems. when the fog lifts and the sun shines brightly, we will surely see the distant lighthouse and walk through the boundless time, becoming the protagonists of our own stories.


life doesn't always run smoothly for us. everyone has to make their own life through their own efforts.


perhaps, you may not be able to see the results of what you're doing right now, but remember that a tree needs to take root and it takes time for nutrients to accumulate.


the course of life is not set in stone, so why dismiss yourself as a half-way tr**eller because of a minor setback? keep moving forward, for only then can you embrace the vastness of the universe.

山河还没定,为什么要因为小挫折就否决自己? 如果你继续走下去,你将能够拥抱星辰大海。

in fact, if you take a moment to reflect, you'll realize that the outstanding people you envy didn't achieve success without quietly tr**ersing mountains and valleys.


when you look back after a long time, you will realize that there are no shortcuts to success and that there is no point in complaining.


only through persistent effort is there a possibility of victory, and the time you spend striving in secret will eventually illuminate your path ahead.


no one's life is destined to be smooth sailing, but i hope that i can be their adversary when faced with life's challenges.


because i firmly believe that with dedication, the future version of myself will undoubtedly be better than the present one.


the key is within you. everything you want ultimately depends on you;and the life you want can only be given by yourself.

关键也在你自己。 你想要的一切,毕竟只能靠自己; 你想要的生活,只能给自己。

even if not everyone shines brightly in the end, the efforts made along the way will radiate a light that will surely illuminate many people, including yourself.


词: innate[ ne t] adj先天; 奇特的,内在的;

hasty [ˈheɪsti] adj.匆匆完成; 匆匆; 马虎; 轻率;

boundless [ˈbaʊndləs]adj.无限; 无限; 无限; 膨胀;

protagonist [prəˈtægənɪst] n.(剧中)的主角; (故事的)主角;

nutrient [ˈnjuːtriənt]n.营养素,营养素,营养素,营养素; 营养;

illuminate [ɪluːmɪneɪt] vt.照明,照明; 澄清,说明;

adversary [ˈdvəsəri]n.对手,对手;

dedication[ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn] n.奉献; 就职典礼; 奉献;
