why you should never retire
pleasure cruises, golf and tracing the family tree are not that fulfilling
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in an episode of “the sopranos”, a popular television series which started airing in the 1990s, a gangster tells tony, from thetitularfamily, that he wants to retire. “what are you, a hockey player?” tonysnaps back
在 1990 年代开始的热门电视连续剧《黑道家族》的一集中,一名黑帮老大告诉黑道家族的托尼他想退休。 托尼反驳道:“你是什么人,冰球运动员? ”
non-fictional non-criminals who are considering an end to their working lives need not worry about broken fingers or other bodily harm.
but they must stillcontend withother potentially painful losses: of income, purpose or, mostpoignantlyrelevance
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some simply won’t quit. giorgio armani refuses torelinquishhis role as chief executive of his fashion house at the age of 89. being italy’s second-richest man has not dampened his work ethic.
有些人就是停不下来。 89岁高龄的乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)仍然担任着一家时装公司的首席执行官。 作为意大利第二大富豪,他对工作的热情丝毫没有减弱。
charlie munger, warren buffett’s sidekick at berkshire hathaway, worked for the investment powerhouse until he died late last year at the age of 99. mr buffett himself is going strong at 93.
查理·芒格(Charlie Munger)是伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的得力助手,巴菲特曾在这家投资巨头工作,直到去年年底去世,享年99岁。 沃伦·巴菲特本人在93岁高龄时仍然非常有动力。 [paragraph 3]
people like messrs armani, buffett or munger are exceptional.
but in remaining professionally active into what would historically be considereddotage, they are not unique.
one poll this year found that almost one in three americans say they may never retire.
the majority of the nevers said they could not afford to give up a full-time job, especially when inflation was eating into an already measly social security cheque.
but suppose you are one of the lucky ones who can choose tostep aside. should you do it?
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thearcof corporate life used to be predictable. you made your way up the career ladder, acquiring more prestige and bigger salaries at every step.
过去,企业生活的轨迹是可以预测的。 你一步一步地攀登职业阶梯,每一步都获得更多的声望和更高的薪水。
then, in your early 60s, there was a friday-afternoon retirement party, maybe a gold watch, and that was that.
然后,当你 60 岁出头时,周五下午有一个退休派对等着你,也许是一块金表作为纪念品,一切都结束了。
the next day the world of meetings, objectives, tasks and other busyness faded.
if you were moderatelyrestless, you could play bridge or help out with the grandchildren. if you weren’t, there were crossword puzzles, tv and a blanket.
如果你有点焦躁不安,你可以打桥牌或帮忙照顾你的孙子孙女。 如果你不喜欢这样,你也可以选择做填字游戏、看电视或用毯子休息一下。
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although intellectual stimulation tends to keep depression and cognitive impairment at bay, many professionals in the technology sector retire at the earliest recommended date to make space for the younger generation, conceding it would be unrealistic to maintain their edge in the field.
still, to step down means to le**e centre stage—leisure gives you all the time in the world but tends to marginalise you as you are no longer in the game.
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things h**e changed. lifespans are getting longer. it is true that although the post-retirement,twilight yearsare stretching, they do not h**e to lead to boredom or to a lifedevoidof meaning.
时代变了。 人类的寿命越来越长。 诚然,虽然退休是一个漫长的老年,但这并不意味着生活一定是无聊或毫无意义的。
once you retire after 32 years as a lawyer at the world bank, you can begin to split your time between photography andscroungingflea markets for a collection of americana.
you don’t h**e to miss your job or suffer from a lack of purpose.
self-worth and personal growth can derive from many places, including non-profit work or mentoring others on how to set up a business.
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but can anything truly replace the framework and buzz of being part of the action?
you can h**e a packed diary devoid of deadlines, meetings and spreadsheets and flourish as a consumer of theatrematinees, art exhibitions and badminton lessons.
您可以拥有完整的日程安排,而无需面对截止日期、会议和 **,并享受剧院日场、艺术展览和羽毛球课程。
hobbies are all well and good for many. but for the extremely driven, they can feel pointless and even slightly embarrassing.
对于许多人来说,爱好是美妙的。 但对于那些非常有进取心的人来说,这似乎毫无意义,甚至有点尴尬。
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that is because there is depth in being useful. and excitement, even in significantly lower doses than are typical earlier in a career, can act as an anti-ageingserum
这样做的原因是,在做出贡献时有一种深深的满足感。 即使兴奋程度远低于我职业生涯的早期,它仍然像抗衰老精华液一样起作用。
whenever mr armani is told to retire and enjoy the fruits of his labour, he replies “absolutely not”.
instead he is clearly energised by being involved in the running of the business day to day, signing off on every design, document and figure.
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when this guest bartleby entered the job market, she assumed that when the day came she too would be a pensioner in a pastel-coloured shirt opting for the “early-bird special”.
a quarter of a century on, your 48-year-old columnist hopes to be writing for the economist decades from now, even if she trundles to her interviews supported by a zimmer frame. but ask her again in 21 years.
25年过去了,这位48岁的专栏作家希望几十年后仍能为《经济学人》撰稿,即使她不得不蹒跚前行地接受采访。 但21年后再问她。
恭喜您阅读,这个英语词汇量约为 816,有删节)。
精读笔记** 在:自由英语之路。
《黑道家族》是一部反映派对主题的美国虚构电视连续剧,收视率从高位上升到榜首,近年来已成为金球奖和艾美奖的常客。 整部剧于1999年1月10日至2007年6月10日在HBO电视网播出,共6季86集。 该剧收视率很高,其对党生活、美国家庭成员、意大利裔美国人社区、暴力主导的世界和道德灰色地带的开创性现实主义刻画赢得了观众、影评人的不少掌声,甚至创造了一种文化现象。 剧中阴郁的气氛令人窒息,剧情紧张引人入胜。 该剧获得了两项艾美奖剧情类最佳剧集奖,主演詹姆斯·甘多菲尼也三次获得剧情类最佳男主角奖。 2013年,美国编剧协会评选“101部最佳电视剧”,这部剧位居榜首。 2019年9月,该剧被《卫报》评选为21世纪100部最佳电视剧之一,排名第一。
捷迈框架,也称为捷默步行框架,是一种金属框架,主要用于行走困难的人,例如老年人或腿部问题的人。 这些助行器通常配备橡胶轮和手柄,以方便移动和支撑。 通过使用助行器,这些人可以更轻松地行走,提高他们的生活质量。
still, to step down means to le**e centre stage—leisure gives you all the time in the world but tends to marginalise you as you are no longer in the game.
self-worth and personal growth can derive from many places, including non-profit work or mentoring others on how to set up a business.