hi my friends. you learn what you are interested or you learn what you h**e to? this is a great question. okay.
大家好。 你是学习你感兴趣的东西,还是学习你必须学习的东西? 这是一个非常重要的问题,你明白吗?
i know that most people want to learn something that they are interested, of course, everybody does.
我知道大多数人都想学习他们感兴趣的东西。 当然,每个人都是一样的。
but you know, something you're not interested, but which is very important for you to survive, of course you h**e to learn it as well.
但你必须知道,有些事情你不感兴趣,但对你的生存很重要。 当然,你也必须学习。
if you don't learn it, how can you survive? only to learn something you are interested that can not guarantee that you can survive well. no.
如果你不学习,那你如何生存? 只学习你感兴趣的东西并不能保证你能够过上好日子。
something you are not interested or maybe you hate it a lot, but which is very important for you to survive well. you also h**e to learn, you h**e to try your best to learn.
有些事情你不感兴趣,或者你甚至最讨厌,但对你的生存有好处。 然后你必须学习,你必须尽力去学习。
you h**e to learn whatever you h**e to for your survival, no matter you like it or hate it, okay?
为了生存,你必须学习! 爱也好,恨也罢! 你明白吗?