
小夏 体育 更新 2024-02-25



佩斯利在汽车后座上睡了很久,她的下巴滑到她的毛衣上,露出一个白色的**,我从后视镜里看着她。 树林悄无声息地从我身边掠过。

当我把车开进家乡的前巷时,我的父母在前门等我。 透过冰冷模糊的窗户,我看到我的父母在微笑,他们的脸上下颤抖。 他们很兴奋,这是佩斯利的第一次访问。

我把佩斯利抱进厨房,她还在睡觉。 我的父母轻轻地咕咕叫着,以免吵醒她。 他们都渴望轮到他们拥抱她。 我低头看着佩斯利,我母亲说我看起来像我父亲曾经抱着我。

我没有把目光从她身上移开,因为我把佩斯利高高举过头顶。 我慢慢地转过身来,她躺在我伸出的怀里,我能听到父母的低语,但听起来好像离我很远。

佩斯利突然睁开眼睛,迎上了我的眼睛。 她头顶吊扇的叶片像云一样缓缓飘动。 在那一刻,我知道对她来说一切都会有所不同。

佩斯利笑了,脸上出现了皱纹,露出粉红色的牙龈。 一缕唾液从她的嘴里滑落,停在那儿,然后像一颗液态的钻石一样落在我的脸上,落在我的嘴唇上方,我用舌头感受着,尝起来像信任。

paisley my sky

glynn sharpe

paisley slept most of the way there, her chin spilling over onto her jumper in white w**es of flesh. i watched her in the rear view mirror as the trees rolled by, silently and unchanging.

my parents were waiting at the front door for us as we pulled into the driveway. i could see their smiling, bobbing faces through the frost-scraped window. they were excited. it was paisley's first visit.

i carried her in my arms into the kitchen. she was still asleep. my parents cooed quietly so that they wouldn't wake her. they were both eager to get a turn to hold her. as i gazed down at her, my mother said that i looked just like my father did when he used to hold me.

i didn't take my eyes off paisley as i lifted her high above my head. i slowly turned with her in my outstretched arms, and i could hear my parents' muffled protests. they sounded as if they were a world away from the two of us. paisley's eyes burst open and met mine. the blades of the ceiling fan just above her head floated slowly like wooden clouds. it was in that instant that i knew that everything would be different for her. she smiled and her face erupted into creases and pink gums. a thread of spittle slipped from her mouth, held there, and fell toward my face like a liquid diamond. it landed above my lip and i felt it with my tongue. it tasted like trust.


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