2024年2月20日*** 发言人毛宁。
foreign ministry spokesperson mao ning’s
regular press conference on february 20, 2024
中国**:去年,中国出口汽车491万辆(不含二手车),首次位居世界第一。 据中国协会日前公布的数据显示,今年1月,中国出口443万辆,同比增长47辆4%,延续了快速增长的趋势。 同时,我们注意到,美国正在考虑以关税以外的方式限制进口中国智能汽车及相关零部件。 欧盟也对中国电动汽车展开了反补贴调查。 中方对此有何评论?
china daily: china exported 4.91 million automobiles last year (excluding second-hand cars), it the world’s largest automobile exporter for the first time. according to the statistics recently released by the china association of automobile manufacturers, in january, china exported 443,000 automobiles, up by 47.4 percent year on year, maintaining the momentum of rapid growth. we also noticed that the us is considering restricting imports of chinese smart cars and related components by non-tariff means. the eu has launched an anti-subsidy investigation into the imports of electric cars from china. what’s your comment?
mao ning: the numbers you mentioned reflect the high-quality development and strong innovation of china’s manufacturing industry.
分工合作,互利共赢是汽车产业链的显著特征。 中国汽车工业的跨越式发展,为全球消费者提供了高品质、高性价比的产品。 中国每三辆出口汽车中就有一辆是电动汽车,为全球绿色低碳转型做出了积极贡献。
division of labor and mutually beneficial collaboration are distinctive features of the auto industrial chain. the leapfrog development of china’s auto industry has provided cost-effective products with high quality to the world. every one in three exported automobiles from china is an electric car, which contributes significantly to the world’s green and low-carbon transition.
你提到有关国家对华采取的保护主义措施,正如王毅外长所指出的,以“去风险”的名义,让正常的**交流泛安全、泛意识形态,建“小院高墙”,不追求“跑得更快”,而是试图“绊倒别人”,看似赢了,实则失去了自己的长远发展, 也拖累了世界的进步和繁荣。
you mentioned the trade protectionist measures taken by relevant countries against china, just as minister wang yi pointed out, to turn normal trade activities into security and ideological issues, build “small yards with high fences” in the name of “de-risking”, and attempt to “trip others up” instead of “running faster” may seem like a win, but is actually a loss of one’s own long-term development and has encumbered the progress and prosperity of the world.
china believes in solidarity, cooperation and openness rather than division, confrontation and isolation. we believe it’s important to accommodate the interests of others while pursuing one’s own, work for common development while seeking one’s own development, create a world-class, market-oriented and law-based environment for global economic and trade cooperation, and make economic globalization more inclusive and beneficial to all.
中国国际项目中心记者:我们注意到,王毅外长近两天正在西班牙访问,西班牙国王费利佩六世和首相桑切斯分别会晤。 王毅外长还同阿尔瓦雷斯外长举行了会谈,并会见了记者。 作为王毅外长春节的首次访问,此次访问的主要成果是什么? 它在中西关系的发展中发挥了什么作用?
cctv: foreign minister wang yi is visiting spain. king felipe vi and prime minister pedro sánchez met with him respectively. foreign minister wang yi and minister for foreign affairs, european union and cooperation josé manuel albares bueno held talks and jointly met the press. this is foreign minister wang yi’s first visit after the chinese new year. what major outcomes has this visit achieved, and what role has it played in the development of the china-spain relations?
毛宁:中西班牙是全面战略伙伴。 去年,两国庆祝建交50周年,桑切斯总理成功访华,会见桑切斯总理时提出建立中西战略关系,双方共同总结了长期友谊和相互尊重的成功经验, 平等互利,提出了发展双边关系的规划。王毅外长此访是中国外长六年来第二次访西班牙,旨在落实两国领导人达成的重要共识,为中西关系新50年开好好端。 这次访问受到了西班牙方面的热情和亲切接待,达到了预期目的,取得了圆满成功。
mao ning: china and spain are comprehensive strategic partners. last year, the two countries marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations and prime minister pedro sánchez paid a successful visit to china. while meeting with prime minister sánchez, president xi jinping proposed that the two countries advance a bilateral relationship with strategic focus. the two sides identified the good experience that has enabled the long-standing friendship between the two countries, which is a commitment to mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and made plans together for the growth of bilateral relations. foreign minister wang yi’s visit to spain is his second visit to the country in six years. it is aimed to deliver the important common understandings between the leaders of the two countries and get the second 50 years of china-spain diplomatic relations off to a good start. spain received foreign minister wang with great hospitality. the visit achieved its objectives and has been a full success.
首先,它表明了中西关系的战略稳定性。 无论国际形势如何变化,中西始终坚持相互尊重、互信、平等共赢的传统,始终以稳定友好的政策发展双边关系,始终支持彼此的核心利益和重大关切。 与中国的友谊是西班牙从王室到人民的普遍共识。 双方同意继续保持高层交往势头,增进人民友谊,相互理解和支持对方为维护民族团结和民族团结所作的努力。 西班牙方面重申坚定不移地坚持一个中国的政策。
the visit accentuated the strategic stability of china-spain relations. no matter how the international situation changes, china and spain h**e followed the tradition of mutual respect, mutual trust, equality and win-win cooperation, advanced bilateral relations with a steadfast policy of friendship, and supported each other on issues of core interests and major concerns. h**ing friendly relations with china is a consensus in spain supported by the royal family, the government and the people. the two sides agreed to continue the momentum of high-level exchanges, cultivate friendship between chinese and spanish peoples, and give each other understanding and support on efforts to safeguard national unity and solidarity among ethnic groups. spain reiterated its firm adherence to the one-china policy.
二是展现了开放合作发展的前景。 近年来,中西经贸合作不断深入发展,中国已成为西班牙在欧盟以外最大的合作伙伴和第二大橄榄油消费国,西班牙是中国第二大猪肉进口国。 中国企业积极参与西班牙光伏和风电的发展,并扩大在第三方市场的合作。 双方重申开放合作承诺,推动在电信、医疗、电动汽车、绿色能源等领域打造一批标志性示范性项目。
the visit highlighted the bright prospects for open cooperation. china and spain h**e deepened economic and trade cooperation in recent years. china has become spain’s largest trading partner outside the eu and the second largest consumer of its olive oil. spain is china’s second largest source of imported pork. chinese companies h**e actively participated in photovoltaic and wind power development in spain, and expanded third-party market cooperation. during the visit, the two sides reiterated that they will adhere to open cooperation and promote a number of landmark and demonstrative projects in telecommunications, medical care, electric vehicles and green energy.
第三,要深化文明交流互鉴。 中国和西班牙都是有着悠久历史的文明古国。 去年,双方举办了文化和旅游年,掀起了文明交流互鉴的新热潮。 双方与大熊猫合作40多年,近年来,西班牙共培育了6只幼崽,是欧洲大熊猫数量最多的国家。 此次大熊猫合作是中西两国、中欧两国友谊的缩影,西班牙人民对中方宣布在大熊猫家族届满后将一对小熊猫送往西方回国表示热烈欢迎和感谢。
the visit served to deepen exchanges and mutual learning between the two civilizations. both china and spain are ancient civilizations with a time-honored history. last year, the two sides launched the china-spain year of culture and tourism, which g**e fresh boost to exchanges and mutual learning between the two civilizations. the two sides h**e been engaged in giant panda cooperation for more than 40 years. the giant pandas living in spain h**e bred six cubs in recent years, more than anywhere else in europe. giant panda cooperation epitomizes the china-spain and china-europe friendship. the spanish people warmly welcomed and expressed appreciation for china’s announcement that it will send a new pair of young pandas to spain after the return of the panda family currently living in spain whose agreement has expired.
第四,为中欧关系和世界注入稳定力量。 西班牙是欧盟大国,中西两国在重大国际和地区问题上有着相同或相似的看法。 西班牙方面强调,同中国建立良好关系对西班牙、欧洲和世界都具有重要意义,高度评价总统提出的构建人类命运共同体的重要理念和“一带一路”倡议。 双方重申致力于共同应对全球性挑战,通过中西友好推动中欧关系健康稳定发展,为混乱的世界注入更多稳定力量。
the visit provides stability for china-europe relations and the world. spain is a major eu country. china and spain share the same or similar views on major international and regional issues. spain stressed that good relations with china are of great significance to spain, europe and the world, and spoke highly of president xi jinping’s important ideas such as building a community with a shared future for mankind and the belt and road initiative. the two sides reiterated that they will work together to meet global challenges, promote the sound and stable development of china-europe relations through china-spain friendship, and provide a stronger force of stability for a volatile and turbulent world.
法新社记者:大陆船只和台湾海警事件发生后,台湾当局呼吁大陆保持理性,并表示将坚决保卫“自己的”海域。 中方对此有何评论?
afp: taiwanese authorities called on beijing to be rational following the incident that involved the chinese boat and taiwanese coast guard. taiwan also said that it will insist to protect its waters. do you h**e any comment on this?
mao ning: this is not a matter related to foreign affairs. i’d refer you to competent authorities.
塔斯社记者:据CNBC报道,美方正在考虑以中俄合作为由对部分中国企业实施制裁。 中方对此有何评论?
tass: cnbc reported that the us is considering slapping sanctions on chinese companies for working with russia. what is china’s comment on this?
毛宁:在乌克兰危机问题上,中国始终坚持客观公正的立场,致力于推动和谈。 我们没有从另一边看火,也没有利用这个机会。
mao ning: we follow an objective and impartial position on the ukraine crisis, and h**e worked actively to promote peace talks. we h**e not sat idly by, still less exploited the situation for selfish gains.
中国有权与世界各国开展正常合作。 我们一贯反对没有国际法依据、未经安理会授权的单边制裁和“长臂管辖”。 中国将继续采取必要措施,坚决维护中国企业的正当合法权益。
china has the right to carry out normal cooperation with countries. we always oppose unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction that lack basis in international law or un security council mandate. china will continue to do what is necessary to firmly safeguard the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of chinese companies.
法新社记者:担任G20轮值主席国的巴西表示,外交部长王毅将缺席本周在里约举行的G20会议。 原因是什么? 中方将派哪位代表出席会议?
afp: the brazilian presidency said that minister wang yi won’t attend the g20 meeting in rio this week. what’s the reason and who will be china’s representative for this meeting?
毛宁:中方高度重视二十国集团的作用,近期将派团出席二十国集团外长会议。 详情将适时公布。 预计本次会议将推动G20进一步凝聚共识,加强团结合作。
mao ning: china values the role played by the g20. we will send a delegation to the upcoming g20 foreign ministers’ meeting. detailed information will be released in due course. we hope that the meeting will help the g20 further build consensus and enhance solidarity and cooperation.