doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.230107
three new cultivars of auricularia cornea
曹雪莲, 陈莹, 彭伟红, 王迪, 刘天海, 唐杰, 贾定红.
采用系统选育法选育了'川儿'系列3个新品种。 新品种'川儿206'的典型特征是鲜穗腹面主色红褐色,背部颜色棕黄色。 '川儿208'的特征是新鲜穗腹面呈深红褐色和灰黄色。 '川儿213'鲜穗的腹面以浅黄色为主,背面颜色为白色。 3个新品种适宜在成都、德阳等四川气候相近地区栽培。
three new cultivars of auricularia cornea, ‘chuaner 206’, chuanear 208’ and ‘chuanear 213’, were obtained by systematic selection breeding. ‘chuaner 206’ was characterized by the predominantly reddish-brown ventral side and the brownish-yellow dorsal side of fresh basidiomata; ‘chuanear 208’ was characterized by dark reddish-brown ventral side and grayish-yellow dorsal side of fresh basidiomata. the predominant color of fresh basidiomata of ‘chuaner 213’ was light yellow on the ventral side and white on the dorsal side. the three new cultivars were suitable for cultivation in chengdu, deyang and similar climate areas.
关键词:木耳论坛; 新品种; 育种。
引用本文]曹雪莲, 陈莹, 彭伟红, 王迪, 刘天海, 唐杰, 贾定红, 20233个木耳新品种育种报告菌物学报, 42(12): 2481-2483
cao xl, chen y, peng wh, wang d, liu th, tang j, jia dh, 2023. three new cultivars of auricularia cornea. mycosystema, 42(12): 2481-2483
图1 子实体a:'川儿206'腹面。 B:返回。
fig. 1 basidiomata of auricularia cornea ‘chuaner 206’. a: ventral side. b: dorsal side.
图2 子实体a:'川儿208'腹面。 B:返回。
fig. 2 basidiomata of auricularia cornea ‘chuaner 208’. a: ventral side. b: dorsal side.
图3 子实体a:'川儿213'腹面。 B:返回。
fig. 3 basidiomata of auricularia cornea ‘chuaner 213’. a: ventral side. b: dorsal side.
*: 菌物纲。