这个时候,如果你能更接近客户,那绝对是一个超越竞争对手,让订单滚滚而来的好机会! 小艺今天和大家分享的,就是一个春节营销策略,赶紧行动起来吧!
在农历新年期间,中国的工厂和制造商通常会因假期而停工,这可能会影响您的生产和交付计划。 提前与客户沟通,了解他们的需求和时间表,并相应地调整生产和交货计划。 2.准备和运输。
在农历新年之前,请确保您有足够的产品库存来满足客户的需求。 尽早安排发货,并与物流公司协调物流安排,确保春节前及时送达客户手中。 3.客户关系维护。
春节前,与客户保持良好的沟通和关系。 发送节日问候和祝福,以表达您的关心和感激之情。 这有助于加强客户关系,为未来的合作奠定良好的基础。
营销渠道。 1.电子邮件。
在官网页面,需要发布放假公告,通知放假时间节点,以及相应的紧急程度*** 还可以制作一个特别的新年横幅,以更好地吸引客户的注意力。
营销节奏。 春节期间有两个重要的营销节点:1春节假期前,发送官方放假通知。
2.假期结束时,将尽快发出复工通知。 外贸商需要把握好时差,适时送福。
营销内容。 客户关系不同,内容重点也不同。 要对不同的客户群体进行分组,并发送定制化的营销内容,以确保祝福的内容专业、真诚,并体现客户的重要性。
比如,对于正在跟进的客户,应该在放假前告知他们当前的进度,让客户做好心理准备; 对于意向客户,可以进行适当的提醒,提醒客户提前制定购买计划并应对库存不足; 同时,您还应该提前复印一些常用且必要的材料,以便在假期期间使用。
在发送正式的放假通知时,别忘了给客户一个友好的新年问候,告知公司放假开始和具体安排,留下紧急情况*** 假期期间一旦出现紧急情况,客户可以立即与您联系。
dear xxx,we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support. we kindly inform you that our company will be closed from xxx to xxx in observance of the chinese traditional festival, spring festival. normal business operations will resume on xxx. while we will accept orders during this period, please note that they will not be processed until xxx, which is the first business day after the spring festival.
we apologize for any inconvenience caused and kindly request your assistance in pre-arranging any upcoming requests to ensure optimal service delivery. in case of emergencies during the holidays, please do not hesitate to contact us at [phone number or email address].
thank you once again for your unw**ering support.
除中国外,越南、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、印度尼西亚、文莱、菲律宾等国家庆祝春节,春节也有法定公共假期。 外贸商可以趁着春节佳节的机会,送上一份丰盛体面的春节祝福。
dear xxx,happy new year! sincerely thank you for your support all the times. wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year. all the best wishes for you and your family.
in the coming days, we will continue to provide you the best quality products and good service. i believe that we will h**e more cooperation chances in the future.
wish you h**e a wonderful day.
best regards.
dear xxx,as the spring festival approaches, our inventory gradually decreases. to ensure that you can obtain the required products in a timely manner, we hereby remind you to place your order as soon as possible.
considering your previous strong interest in our products, we believe you do not want to miss this opportunity. place your order now and you will enjoy our limited time promotion, ensuring that you receive your order before the holiday.
please contact us as soon as possible so that we can provide you with detailed product information and ordering process. we are looking forward to your order and will do our best to meet your needs.
best regards.
1. much joy to you in the up coming year. may the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at new year and stay with you all the year through.
2. may the rising dragon of the lunar new year lift your spirits and your fortune to new heights. happy new year and may you be blessed with exceptional success!3. the dragon's majestic dance ushers in a year of abundance and fortune. may your ende**ors flourish and bring you prosperity. wishing you a luminous and auspicious lunar new year!
4. embrace the courage and wisdom of the dragon this lunar new year. may it empower your business and personal life with strength and prosperity. greetings for a vibrant and successful year ahead!5. let the dragon's fiery breath ignite your passion for success as we step into the lunar new year. may it be a year filled with grand achievements. happy spring festival!
6. the festive dragon we**es through the stars, bringing a trail of wealth and good luck. may the new year bless you with a bountiful harvest in business and life. warm wishes for the spring festival!
7. as we leap into the year of the dragon, may your days be painted with the colors of joy, and your business bloom with opportunities. cheers to a splendid lunar new year!"
8. the dragon symbolizes power and excellence. may its esteemed presence this lunar new year herald a period of unparalleled success and prosperity for you and your loved ones.
9. the enchanting dragon of the lunar new year heralds a season of miracles and successes. embrace its essence, and may your aspirations soar to celestial heights!10. ride the auspicious w**es of the dragon year, and let its legendary fortune shower you with opportunities. sending you radiant wishes for a galvanizing and triumphant lunar new year!
只有做好营销准备,才能安心度过美好的一年,在来年有个好的开端! 小艺祝愿大家2024年如龙同舟,从容出发,大步进步!