
小夏 健康 更新 2024-02-22


britain’s silver zones

how to live to one hundred

h**e good genes and move to east devon




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easy to find and hard to le**e.” that is how sidmouth’s tourism website describes the small seaside town in east devon, where the red cliffs turn the ocean water pink.

容易找到,很难放弃“,这是西德茅斯旅游**在东德文郡海滨小城的推广。 这里的红色悬崖将大海染成粉红色,风景如画。

thetaglinecould apply to lives as well as holidays. almost a third of residents are over 75; locals refer to sidmouth as “god’s waiting room”.

这个口号既适用于生活,也适用于度假。 近 1 3 名居民年龄超过 75 岁; 当地人称西德茅斯为“上帝的等候室”。

we get a lot of people well into their 90s, 100s,” says a woman in a funeralparlouras an undertaker in a top hattiptoespast.

当一个戴着礼帽的殡仪师蹑手蹑脚地经过殡仪馆时,一个女人说:"我们这里有很多 90 多岁和 100 多岁的人。

a card shop has sold “three or four” 100th-birthday cards since it opened in november.


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life expectancy in britain has been stagnating for a decade but the country still produces a lot of very old folk.


britain ranks 29th in the world for life expectancy (at 81 years) but seventh forcentenariansper 100,000 people.


that puts it ahead of italy and greece, both of which are known for their “blue zones”, a term used to describe areas where people claim to live exceptionally long lives.


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the secret to sidmouth’s long-lived population is not the food.


islands like sardinia and icaria h**e the mediterranean diet—he**y in olive oil, seafood and fresh vegetables.


east devon, which is home to the highest concentration of centenarians in england, has the pensioner’s special: a small fish and chips and a large pot of tea.


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the sea air must help, says graham brooks, a 76-year-old who helps look after sidmouth’s antiques shop and whose mother, audrey, turned 100 last november.

76岁的格雷厄姆·布鲁克斯(Graham Brooks)说,海边的空气肯定对健康和长寿有益。 他在西德茅斯(West Dmouth)的古董店帮忙,而他的母亲奥黛丽(Audrey)去年11月庆祝了她的100岁生日。

mrs brooks probably owes more to genes, luck and the fact that she never smoked and does not drink, with the exception of half a glass of wine at christmas.)

布鲁克斯太太的长寿可能更多地归功于长寿基因、运气,以及她从不抽烟、喝酒的习惯,只有在圣诞节她才会喝半杯酒。 )

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there are lots of opportunities in sidmouth for old people to stay active and socially connected, both good ways to delay thegrim reaper


at fields, the local department store, the café is music-free, the better to hear elderly friends.


there are brass-rubbing classes, a ukulele club and jazz evenings.


in the window of toto’s, a dog-toy shop “fordapperdogs”, is a poster for a film screening of “a matter of life and death”, a classic released in 1946.


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but places like sidmouth are thesilver liningto a darker story.


although some of its citizens enjoy very long lives, britain excels at producing much shorter ones, too.


britain’s middling life-expectancy figuresdisguiseextremes.


centenarians tend to cluster more on the south coast, in areas like bournemouth and bognor regis as well as in east devon.


but in many other coastal towns, such as blackpool, life expectancy is much lower than the national **erage.


london is also not a place for the very old: of the eight local authorities in england and wales with fewer than ten centenarians per 100,000 population, six are in the capital.


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rather than blue zones, where a specific environment is associated with greater longevity, it seems more likely that britain has silver zones, places which attract longer-lived people in middle age or upon retirement.


marjorie hodnett, who grew up in london, will be 110 in april. her biggest health complaint relates to a prescription toothpaste sent to the wrong pharmacy (at 105 she still had 26 of her own teeth; now she is down to 21).

玛乔丽·霍德内特(Marjorie Hodnett)在伦敦长大,将于4月庆祝她的110岁生日。 她最大的健康问题与将处方牙膏送到错误药房的经历有关(她在 105 岁时还有 26 颗天然牙齿,现在只剩下 21 颗)。

she left sidmouth for merseyside in 2020, but only to be nearer relatives after six decades in the area.

2020 年,她离开了生活了 60 年的西德茅斯,前往默西塞德郡,但只是为了离亲戚更近。

it’s a lovely place,” she sayswistfully. the first thing she asks your correspondent is whether thedaffodilsare out.

“这是一个可爱的地方,”她怀旧地说。 她问记者的第一件事是:“水仙花开花了吗? ”



精读笔记** 在:自由英语之路。





蓝色区域它是世界上最长寿的人居住的地区,有划分蓝色区域的官方标准:1人类的预期寿命最长2100岁以上的老年人最多3岁中年人的死亡率最低。 根据这三个标准,世界上有 5 个地区符合标准:意大利的撒丁岛、日本的冲绳、哥斯达黎加的尼科亚、美国加利福尼亚州的罗曼琳达和希腊的伊卡里亚岛。

地中海饮食它指的是地中海沿岸南欧国家的饮食风格,如希腊、西班牙、法国和意大利南部,以蔬菜和水果、鱼类、全谷物、豆类和橄榄油为主。 研究发现,地中海饮食可以降低患心脏病的风险,并保护大脑免受血管损伤,降低中风和记忆力减退的风险。 “地中海饮食”一词现在被用来指一种简单、清淡、营养丰富的饮食,有利于健康。

grim reaper(或简称收割者)是死神的英文名称,它描绘了一个穿着黑色斗篷并拿着镰刀的骷髅。 这是西方的一个典故,在圣经中,耶稣把信徒比作麦子,到时候就来收割(进天),所以后来西方就被收割成了死亡的代名词,镰刀成了死亡的**。

[关键句子]。(3 个)。

islands like sardinia and icaria h**e the mediterranean diet—he**y in olive oil, seafood and fresh vegetables.


there are lots of opportunities in sidmouth for old people to stay active and socially connected, both good ways to delay the grim reaper.


britain’s middling life-expectancy figures disguise extremes.




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