
小夏 文化 更新 2024-02-29

任敬民. 著名画家和摄影师。 亚太艺术家联盟主席,澳大利亚绘画学院常务副院长,任景敏艺术创始人,新南威尔士州AGNSW艺术博物馆会员,澳大利亚当代艺术博物馆会员,澳大利亚新艺术联合会等艺术协会会员,澳中著名女艺术家。 2012年受邀为悉尼天主教学校创作系列油画,并举办多场个人展览参加澳中综合艺术展。 曾获巴黎国际艺术中心特聘画家、中国国家一级艺术家,并获中国邮政限量版《当代著名艺术家任静敏》收藏邮票册,油画《悉尼早晨》参加在夏威夷举办的第三届国际书画节,获得国际杰出女书画家奖。 连续三年拍摄日出,摄影作品《悉尼今早》系列广为流传。 教艺术三年,获得悉尼地区市政府相关部门颁发的感谢状。 2023 年艺术领袖。 Instagram 拥有超过 100,000 名粉丝。 Google Internet Personality Elite Celebrity Title(网络名人)悉尼、澳大利亚等地的著名艺人 在春节期间在悉尼不伦斯敦图书馆举办的2023年重要展——任景敏艺术展上,她向大众挥舞了一百幅“康熙天下第一福”书法作品,表达感恩和祝福,深受人民群众喜爱。 2、捐赠油画《暴风雨后的光》拍卖所得10000澳元,用于支持2023年澳大利亚国际国际女士国际演出,代表澳大利亚参加在田纳西州举办的全球国际女士演出。 3.“澳大利亚绘画学院”西方绘画艺术展。 4.“我们的三十年:澳洲华人艺术家成就展”。 5、第五届澳大利亚中国文化艺术学院书画摄影工艺展。 6. 花开在五大洲——当代世界中国女艺术家学术邀请展。

ren jingmin, also known as jingmin ren, is a well-known painter and photographer. she is the chairman of the asia pacific region arts and artists alliance, the executive vice president of the australia painter academy, and the founder of jingmin ren art. jingmin is also a member of the art gallery of new south wales, the museum of contemporary art australia, the australia new art society, and other associations. she is a renowned female artist in australia and china.in 2012, jingmin was invited to create a series of oil paintings depicting the book of genesis for a catholic school in sydney. the series was a great success, and since then, jingmin has held several solo art exhibitions and participated in the australia-china comprehensive art exhibition. her "sydney morning" series of oil paintings was showcased at the hawaii exhibition and won an international award for outstanding female calligrapher and painter in the third international painting festival of hawaii, usa. jingmin has received many honorary titles, including being a special artist of the paris international art centre, a china national first-class artist, and h**ing her collection album "contemporary art master- ren jingmin " issued by china post in a limited edition.jingmin is also a talented photographer. she has captured the sunrise for three consecutive years, and her photography series "sydney this morning" has gained popularity and a large following. she taught art for three years and received three appreciation certificates from the relevant departments of canterbury and bankstown city council in sydney.jingmin is an arts leader and has over 100,000 followers on instagram. she is a renowned artist in sydney, australia, and beyond and has been acknowledged as an "internet personality" on google.in 2023, several important exhibitions will showcase jingmin's work, including the "jingmin ren art exhibition" held at the bankstown library in sydney during the spring festival. during this exhibition, jingmin demonstrated calligraphy and g**e 100 pieces of "kangxi empire first blessing" to the audience, which was well-received. she also donated the auction proceeds of aud 10,000 from her oil painting "light after tempest" to support the winner of the 2023 ms australia international pageant show in tennessee, usa.other important exhibitions include the "western painter art exhibition" by the australian painting academy, the "our thirty years - australian chinese artists achievement exhibition," the "fifth painting and calligraphy exhibition" by the australian chinese culture research institution, and the "bloosson five continents - contemporary world chinese female artist academic invitation exhibition."

用画笔追求灵魂的纯洁——缅怀著名画家任景民任静敏,一个完全跟着情感去创作的油画艺术家,甚至无论如何,她都能对不同系列的油画形成独特的审美感受,最终成为个人油画艺术创作的一大特色! 作为油画家,任静敏女士的艺术形式可以说是非常成熟,她的作品不仅具备了油画的基本功底,而且不失一种情感上的思考,所以任静敏女士是当下国际油画界的前沿人物,确实名副其实,当之无愧!

《满金玉》 39x56cm 在她的云彩系列作品中,油画的笔触已经达到了一种随意的节奏,没有草稿,没有矫揉造作,完全依靠云性天性的高度情感来创作,全景式的画面表现,更能向我们展现自由意志,这是一种基于抒情的微妙抚慰, 没有任何约束,别说所谓的形式,再说画中的光影结构,也可以通过色彩的融合来丰富,将整个画面的暖色调发挥到极致!对于任静敏女士来说,画中的这些场景似乎是隐喻的载体,可以传达他们的真实情感,突出浪漫与印象的二元对立。 概述是无穷无尽的!

双鱼座之恋“ 143x57cm 在《光流》系列的主题画中,任静敏女士能够赋予画面非常深刻的艺术哲理,与常人画作中的风景不同。 因此,从欣赏的角度来看,这种丰富的艺术想象不仅是一种审美的视觉体验,更是画家感性情操与理性哲学的融合! 在超凡脱俗的绘画中注入精神宏观世界,在生命的深刻意义中触动灵魂的本质,毫无疑问,任静敏女士形成了个性化的独立创作,用精神感受想象万物之间的关系,从而将其落实到作品中,是一个具有心理诉求和艺术情感的理想“乌托邦”。

《金花的秘密》75x99cm,用画笔追求灵魂的纯洁。 油画艺术的生命力,恰恰是画家技法的磨练和对自然情感的真实观察。 而这两点,正是成为油画画家所必须具备的。 就像今天的任静敏女士,在深厚的油画功底上继续探索自然,画面看似用色彩来描绘场景,但实际上是一种通过灵魂深处升华的形象创作! 每一件作品都可以说是充分满足了当代人的审美需求。 著名书画艺术评论家石国鳌2023年11月28日 书籍在兰怡斋工作欣赏


我们的星星 90x120cm

暴风雨过后 90x120cm



一瞥 76x76cm

双鱼座爱情-2 46x62cm

生命之水 45x56cm

超越 42x61cm

呼吸 60x80cm

悉尼早晨 - 1 》45x58cm

悉尼早晨-2 45x58cm

悉尼早晨-3 45x58cm

悉尼早晨 - 4 》45x58cm

悉尼早晨-5 45x58cm

悉尼清晨 - 6 》45x58cm


无尽的生命 50x78cm

我们是自由的“ 90x120cm

星辰之花 60x120cm

云系列-1 》30x30cm

云系列-2 》30x30cm

云系列-3 》30x30cm

云系列-4 》30x30cm

云系列-5 》30x30cm

云系列-6 》30x30cm

Cloud Series-7 》30x30cm

云系列-8 》30x30cm





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