理解 联合租赁 在法律英语中的含义

小夏 社会 更新 2024-02-19

联合租赁是指“联合租赁; 共同租赁; “共同租赁”,是不动产所有权中的重要关系。 联名租赁的最大特点是,当配偶一方去世时,财产权益自动且完全转移给另一方,死者的继承人不继承任何财产权益,死者不能将财产遗赠给他人。 长辈和晚辈、兄弟姐妹,只要同时满足上述四个条件,也可以对财产产生这种法律关系。

joint tenancy: a crucial relationship in the ownership of real property, which provides that each party owns an undivided interest in the entire parcel, with both h**ing the right to use all of it and the right of survivorship, which means that upon the death of one joint tenant, the other has titl e to it all.

在包括香港在内的大多数普通法司法管辖区,同一物业的共同所有权主要有两种类型:“共同所有权”和“共同所有权”。 “共同所有制”和“共同所有制”之间存在显着差异。

业主对房屋所有权平等,负有连带义务,在这种关系存续期间,任何一方未经许可处分房屋均属无效。 在强行分割的情况下,按照均分原则处理。

共有所有权的共同所有人无权单独主张其份额,无权单方面要求分割,无权单方面要求改变共有制方式。 除经全体业主同意共同处置房屋外,联名承租人只能根据“生存权”变更房屋的所有权状态。


the company recognizes joint tenancy with right of survivorship and use of grantor trusts as legal means of holding an flp distributorship and in the event of a distributor’s death, a means of transferring the distributorship to the survivor or named beneficiary respectively without h**ing to go through probate proceeding to get the property to the intended heir.


administration’s advice that a notice of severance, which could be issued under section 8 of the conveyancing and property ordinance (cpo) (cap. 219), could be registered under clause 4(d) (i.e. the new clause 14(d) in the revised marked-up copy of the bill) as a matter affecting land to effect severance of joint tenancy in respect of action required registered land


if the distributor application of a legally married person has checked the marital status box as being married, but the application only contains the signature of one of the married parties, the company will treat the distributorship as being a joint tenancy with right of survivorship.


on the revised draft proposed csas to clause 20, the assistant legal adviser (ala) highlighted the need to include in the bill provisions on the severance of joint tenancy.


without affecting the generality of subsection (1), any lease, tenancy, permit or licence granted to the cita that is in force or effective immediately before the appointed day or which is to take effect on or after that day has effect as if granted to the council.



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