外部出版物的例句aibo, a robotic puppy with artificial intelligence (ai) made by sony, and paro, afurryseal made by japan’s national institute of advanced industrial science and technology, are therapeutic robots for children and patients with dementia.
《经济学人》认为,人类与其他哺乳动物的共同祖先可能是一种大约老鼠大小的动物,体重不超过半磅,长furrytail and lived on insects.
《纽约时报》基本定义[adjective] covered with fur
形容词]覆盖毛皮深度解读毛茸茸这个词是英语单词fur(柔软的毛皮,毛皮)的衍生物,源自fur + y(多-......有。。。。。。如。。。。。。属 ......,主要指“毛皮覆盖”或“毛皮包裹”,例如毛茸茸的动物。
these hills look furry with trees.推而广之,它也可以表示“毛皮,毛皮,毛皮”或“毛皮状,毛皮柔软”,例如,罗茜有很多毛绒玩具。
rosie has a massive collection of furry toys.苔藓柔软蓬松。
the moss was soft and furry to the touch.潮湿的环境往往会滋生地衣,当人们生病时,他们往往会长出奇怪的舌苔,用英语来说可以说是毛茸茸的舌头。 在口语中,毛茸茸也可以表示“人形角色扮演爱好者”或“小型毛皮动物,尤其是啮齿动物”。 值得注意的是,毛茸茸的与渡轮(渡轮、渡轮; 摆渡)形状,读写时要注意区别。杰作用例
as harry sat down, afurryginger cat with a squashed face jumped onto his knees and settled there, purring.作者:英国作家Jk.罗琳的长篇《哈利·波特与混血王子》。 这是哈利波特系列的第六部。 与同义词相同hairy: covered with hair, especially thick or long hairdowny: covered with fine soft hair or feathersfuzzy: h**ing a frizzy, fluffy, or frayed texture or appearance哈利一坐下,一只扁脸、毛茸茸的姜黄就跳到他的腿上,在他的腿上咕噜咕噜地叫着。