
小夏 社会 更新 2024-02-01

商业合同中的保证条款通常用于明确双方在履行合同过程中对具体情况或事实的保证和陈述。 这些条款有助于确保合同各方在交易中的权利和责任,并降低交易风险。 保修可以是多方面的,但以下是一些常见的保修类型:


此保证与产品或服务的质量、性能、功能或对特定标准的合规性有关。 例如,合同可能包含产品在特定时期内保持一定质量标准的保证,或者服务提供商承诺在合同期限内提供高水平的服务。

如。 the sellers shall guarantee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality and specifications specified in this contract and letter of quality guarantee. the guarantee period shall be 3 months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, and during the period the sellers shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer.



这种类型的保证确保合同各方遵守相关法律法规。 这可能包括产品生产或销售的合法性、服务的合法性以及确保合同行为符合行业标准和法律要求。

如。 both parties warrant that they will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the performance of this agreement.



该担保涉及合同中涉及的资产、知识产权或其他权利的所有权和合法性。 它确保提供者有权**或转让相关资产或知识产权,并保证不存在侵权行为。

如。 party b guarantees that the document supplied by party b shall be of the latest technical documentation being used by party b. party b shall also supply to party a during the validity term of the contract, the technical information relevant to any development and improvement of the contract product.

party b guarantees that the documentation supplied by party b shall be complete,correct, legible and dispatched within the stipulated period in this contract.

if the documentation supplied by party b is not in conformity with the stipulations in the annex to this contract, party b shall, within the shortest possible time but not later than thirty(30) days after receipt of the party a's written notice, dispatch free of charge, to the party a the missing or the correct and legible documentation.





这种类型的保证确保合同各方按时付款或履行其付款义务。 它可能包括付款的方式、期限和金额,以及确保付款途径的安全性和合法性。

如。 the buyer warrants to make payment in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement within thirty (30) days of receiving an invoice.

买方保证在收到发票后三十 (30) 天内根据本协议的条款付款。



如。 both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any and all information disclosed under this agreement, including but not limited to trade secrets, business plans, financial information, and any proprietary data. the parties agree not to disclose, directly or indirectly, any such confidential information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party.

双方同意对根据本协议披露的所有信息保密,包括但不限于商业秘密、商业计划、财务信息和任何专有数据。 双方同意,未经披露方事先书面同意,不直接或间接向任何第三方披露此类机密信息。

参考。 国际商业合同的文体学与翻译》,刘庆秋著。




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