馒头VS面包 精致不仅仅关乎外观

小夏 美食 更新 2024-02-06

in china, many people enjoy eating steamed buns as their staple food, while westerners love bread. both are made with wheat flour, but bread comes in various styles and textures. this shows the importance of baking in food preparation. chinese cuisine offers a wide variety of flour-based foods, such as steamed buns, du

mplings, and baozi. steamed buns, also known as "chinese bread" to foreigners, are made by steaming dough instead of baking it. though steamed buns are praised for their taste, some people find them less refined compared to japanese or french cuisine. they wonder why chinese food is not as delicate. this misconception

is related to cultural differences and a lack of exposure to truly refined chinese cuisine. steamed buns, for example, are made to enhance the natural taste of the ingredients, resulting in a slightly sweet fl**or. in contrast, foreign cuisine often focuses on additional fl**ors like saltiness, sweetness, or creaminess

moreover, chinese meals are usually accompanied by various delicious dishes, so there is no need to overly embellish the main staple. as for refinement, chinese pastries can be just as exquisite. talented pastry chefs h**e showcased their skillful creations, which are often too beautiful to eat. these pastries may re

semble traditional steamed buns or more like desserts, but they are made using traditional chinese techniques, such as steaming. many restaurants serve steamed buns in different shapes, from cartoon characters like pigs and cats to flowers. these creative designs are not only visually appealing but also loved by childr

en. some people claim that chinese cuisine lacks the variety of bread-based foods found in western cultures. while this may be true to some extent, it is important to note that chinese cuisine primarily focuses on steaming, along with noodle dishes like pulled or stretched noodles. in recent years, there has been a tre

nd of creating interesting and cute shapes with steamed buns, *them hard to resist. whether foreigners will be skeptical about the level of sophistication when seeing these cartoon-shaped buns and hesitate to eat them remains to be seen.


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    你经常吃馒头吗馒头和面包等发酵食品呢?你有没有听说过吃含酵母的食物会导致胃病 高尿酸等的说法?你对这些食物有一些恐惧和担忧吗?事实上,这些说法是没有科学依据的,甚至是错误的。酵母是一种天然微生物,不仅在发酵过程中使意大利面柔软可口而且它还可以给身体带来一些好处,例如,添加维生素改善消化,降低血糖等。...