A Tale of a Boy and a Puppy 中英文及有声

小夏 教育 更新 2024-02-04

in the heart of the bustling pet market, a man in his 30s proudly displayed six fluffy puppies, each a picture of playful energy.


yet, a small, whimpering dog clung to his feet, its eyes filled with a quiet longing.


a little boy, walking with a slow, determined gait, approached the seller.

how much for your puppies, sir?" he inquired, his voice filled with hope.

一个行动迟缓但意志坚定的男孩走近卖家,用充满希望的声音问道:“先生,你的小狗多少钱? ”

twenty yuan," the man replied, gesturing towards the lively pups.


the boy's eyes scanned the playful bundle of fur before settling on the little dog by the man's feet.


what's wrong with this one?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

这只狗怎么了? 他好奇地问道。

the man explained, "he's lame, a lingering effect from an illness.”

这名男子解释说:“它有一条跛脚的腿,这是以前疾病的后遗症。 ”

without hesitation, the boy declared, "i want to buy him!”

男孩毫不犹豫地宣布:“我要买它! ”

the man, surprised by the boy's choice, pondered for a moment. "this puppy isn't for sale," he said, "but if you truly want him, you can h**e him.”

男人没想到男孩会选择这只狗,琢磨了一会儿后,他说:“这只狗崽不是卖的,但如果你真的想要,那就给你吧。 ”

but the boy shook his head firmly. "no, sir! i don't want a gift. this puppy deserves twenty yuan, just like the others."

但男孩坚定地摇了摇头。 “不,先生! 我不想要礼物。 这只小狗也应该值二十美元,就像其他狗一样。 ”

the man tried to dissuade him, citing the dog's disability. "he can't jump or play like the others," he warned.

这名男子试图劝阻他,理由是这只狗有残疾。 “它不能像其他狗一样跳跃或玩耍,”他警告说。

the boy, his voice soft but resolute, responded, "i can't jump myself."

男孩用柔和而坚定的声音回答:“我自己不会跳舞。 ”

he then rolled up his trouser leg, revealing a severely deformed calf.


this puppy needs someone who understands him," he said, his eyes filled with empathy.


for life, everyone's status is equal, no one's value is the same, there is no high or low, andrespect for each other is respect for ourselves


true kindness, like the boy's unw**ering acceptance, transcends limitations and recognizes the shared humanity that binds us all.


it is a reminder that in the tapestry of life, every thread, regardless of its color or texture, contributes to the beauty of the whole.




    导语 小狗学会吠叫是每只狗成长过程中的必备阶段,它们通过模仿和练习,逐渐学会发出各种声音。然而,小狗学习吠叫的过程可能会有不同的结局。本文将讲述关于小狗学会吠叫的三个结局,展现这个过程中的乐趣和温暖。.结局 小狗成功学会吠叫 故事发生在一个阳光明媚的早晨,小狗的主人发现小狗开始尝试吠叫。他们用温柔的...


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