随着12月的飞逝,我们即将迎来新的一年。 对于许多紧张申请的朋友来说,DDL近在咫尺,似乎触手可及。 有些朋友在托福考试的旅途中遇到过困难,甚至因此而遭受打击,越是需要在关键时刻得分,但越是因为这样或那样的原因,成绩一直没有实现。
作为业内师姐,见证了无数托福考生的心路历程,此刻我只想对大家说:越是关键的时刻,越是不能放弃。 考试最后,其实拼出来的不仅仅是知识和技能,还有心态。 只要努力,或许只是一点点运气。
它就像一朵花,经过漫长的等待和积累,终于在一天早晨破土而出,绽放出美丽的笑容。 只要你坚持下去,总有一天你会迎来属于自己的曙光。 师姐相信,在未来的日子里,你会感谢自己的辛勤付出。
无论你遇到什么困难和挫折,请记住:坚持就是胜利!无论前方有多少危险,只要心中有梦想,手里有力量,终将前行。 愿您在托福考试的旅程中坚持不懈,直到成功。 加油!
12.16/12.17 个考试周托福线下和家庭考试**机器的问题来了!
12.16/12.17 个考试周离线托福日:12月16日、12月17日、
12.16/12.17 个考试周家庭测试托福日:12 月 13 日12 月 14 日、12 月 15 日、12 月 16 日
1. some people play games or sports for enjoyment. others play only with the goal of winning. which approach to playing games or sports. do you think is better?
2. some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. which point of view do you agree with and why?
3. do you think that parents should read their children’s emails or text messages without their permission? explain why?
4. do you agree or disagree with the statement? children should be encouraged to watch and listen to news at an early age?
5. some people prefer to h**e friends who share the same opinions or beliefs about the world as they do. other people prefer to h**e friends who h**e opinions or beliefs about the world that are different from their own. which one do you prefer and why?