
小夏 财经 更新 2024-01-30

随着全球化的不断深化,大宗商品**在全球经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 与国内散货**相比,世界**更具挑战性。 它涉及不同国家的法律、税务、货币和其他问题,因此实现世界上最先进的数字化需要丰富的经验、深厚的专业知识和领先的数字平台。

with the deepening of globalization, commodity trade is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. compared with domestic, global commodity trade is more challenging as it involves legal, tax, currency and other issues in different countries, which requires our rich experience, deep expertise and leading digital platform to achieve digitization of global trade.

为了更好地服务全球客户,用友网络不断升级其全球业务系统。 来自全球化 10 升级到全球化 20,这意味着用友将从亚太地区走向全球,在进一步培育东南亚市场的同时,开始拓展欧洲、北美、日本和中东市场的计划。 如今,用友已将业务拓展至40多个国家和地区,海外ERP客户数量和营收规模均位居国内厂商之首。

with the aim of better service for global customers, yonyon network continues to upgrade its global business system. upgrading from globalization 1.0 to 2.0 means that yonyon network will go global from the asia-pacific, and launch plans to expand the markets of europe, north america, japan and the middle east while further deepening the southeast asian market. nowadays, yonyou network has expanded its business to more than 40 countries and regions, the number of overseas erp customers and revenue scale both rank first among domestic peers.

用友全球**产品是基于用友商业创新平台,用友BIP开发的产品,为**企业提供平台+行业产品的综合解决方案。 它旨在帮助海外企业和外国企业更好地在世界上运营。 产品包括平台的全球架构、内外贸业务、风险管理、全球结算等功能模块。 yonyou global trade is a product developed based on yonbip (yonyou business innovation platform), which can provide platform and industry comprehensive solutions for trading enterprises. it is designed to help overseas and foreign companies operate better in global trade. the product includes the global framework platform, domestic and foreign trade business, risk management, global trade settlement and other functional modules.


feature introduction


(global framework)

随着业务的扩展,全球框架和服务、本地机构和社会数据访问,随时随地满足国际扩张和全球运营。 跨越语言、时区、货币和文化障碍,每个国家不同文化的员工可以在一个环境中工作,在最舒适的语言和文化环境中工作,也可以与其他国家和地区的员工和客户进行协作。 本地和全球业务数据汇集在一个环境中,使跨地域的统一策略制定和运营变得简单可控,并在一个环境中访问本地数据和分组聚合数据,从而降低全球管理成本。

global frameworks and services, with local institutions and social data access as the business expands, can meet company’s demands of international expansion and global operations anytime and anywhere. across barriers of language, time zone, currency and cultural, employees from different cultures and countries can work together in the most comfortable language and cultural environment, as well as collaborate with employees and suppliers in other countries and regions. local and global business data are pooled in one environment, *it **and controllable to develop and run uniform policies across geographies. access local data and group aggregate data in one environment, also reducing global management costs.

内外贸业务(domestic and foreign trade business

帮助大宗商品企业管理内外贸自营、一流业务、现货和远期业务,包括采购管理、销售管理、进口管理、出口管理、转口港管理等。 具体内容涵盖合同管理、订单管理、在途管理、库存管理、物流管理、海关管理、**合规等。 企业可以利用该解决方案实现合同的最佳跟踪、仓库库存的实时监控、财务结算的自动化和加工的集成。

the product supports commodity trading enterprises in management of general domestic and foreign trade, agency business, spot business and forward business, including procurement management, sales management, import management, export management and transit management. the product has features cover contract management, order management, in-transit management, inventory management, logistics management, customs management and trade compliance, etc. through the product, enterprises can realize the online tracking of contracts, real-time monitoring of warehouse inventory, automation of financial settlement, integration of processing trade and other functions.


risk management)

满足大宗商品业务特点,支持多品种、多商业模式、多条款等特殊业务。 支持积分价格、月转、转、保值、权利、产品调整等灵活管理。 提供一系列交易和风险管理模型,包括信用风险、货物风险、资金风险、合规风险等。 为配套国内、国际大宗商品及全球产业链综合服务。

the product meets the characteristics of commodity trading business, it supports multi-varieties, multi-business models, multiple price terms and other special business. it supports flexible price management such as pricing, switching, hedging, right, and adjustment. it also provides a range of trading and risk management models, including credit risk, cargo risk, capital risk, compliance risk, in order to support the domestic and international commodity trade and the integrated service of the global industrial chain.


(global settlement)

产品支持现金结算、票据结算、信用证结算、信用管理、融资业务等,覆盖30多家海外主流银行,连接全球200多个国家。 业务结算功能,包括:支付结算、保证金结算、费用结算、税务结算等,在业务涉及多品种、多种商业模式的情况下,支持先定价后定价的多结算和场景,实现产融融合。

the product supports global cash settlement, bill business, letter of credit settlement, credit management, financing business, etc. it covers more than 30 mainstream overseas banks and connect more than 200 countries around the world. as for the settlement function, it includes payment settlement, margin settlement, fee settlement, tax settlement, etc. in the case of trade business involving multiple varieties and multiple business models, it supports multiple settlement, advance pricing and post pricing, as well as realize the integration of industry and finance.



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