
小夏 国际 更新 2024-01-28

according to reports from the guardian and newsweek, on december 7th, a thermal power plant near the front line in ukraine was shelled by russia, prompting ukraine to issue a warning to residents to conserve energy. this marks the first such warning of the winter. newsweek suggests that this indicates a new phase in russia's war on ukraine. on december 8th, in kharkiv, ukraine, a woman looks out o

f a window shattered by an explosion. ukrainian president zelensky said in a nighttime address, "i thank every ukrainian family - everyone who understands the challenges of war and temperature, and s**es and uses electricity rationally." the ukrainian ministry of energy reported on its facebook page that the shelling from russia damaged a thermal power plant on the conflict front line. to protect

the sensitive information of "relevant critical infrastructure," ministry officials did not specify which plant was affected, but said that two generating units had been shut down. this attack, combined with the onset of winter, has led to a rapid drop in temperatures across ukraine, causing a "temporary power shortage" in the electricity grid. the ministry of energy is urging residents to use ele

ctricity reasonably and economically, especially during peak demand periods. on november 4, 2022, in kyiv, ukraine, workers were repairing a power station that had been targeted by russian airstrikes. the ministry of energy reported on its website earlier in the day that power supplies had been cut off to 408 settlements due to hostile actions and technical issues. the extent of the impact on user

s is not yet clear, but officials h**e stated that "the situation with the power system is stable and under control." ukrainian officials had previously warned that russia's storing of weapons before winter indicated that it might be planning a new w**e of attacks during the cold months.据乌克兰国防部主要情报局代表瓦迪姆·斯基比茨基(Vadim Skibitsky)称,11月初,俄罗斯可能会在用电高峰时加强对乌克兰能源基础设施的打击。 去年冬天,俄罗斯对电网发动袭击,导致乌克兰大面积停电。

乌克兰**不得不依靠定期强制停电,让公民节省有限的可用能源**来度过冬天。 此举严重影响了乌克兰人民的生活和基础设施的正常运转。



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