
小夏 社会 更新 2024-01-31

元旦,又称元旦,是许多采用公历的国家和地区的盛大庆祝活动。 此时此刻,全世界的人们都热切期盼着新年的到来,期待着新年的美好和希望。 那么,哪些国家在这一天庆祝元旦呢?这些国家的习俗是什么?如何为您的客户送上温暖的祝福,增进彼此的感情,加强业务合作?干货已经为你总结好了,快来领取吧!

01 哪些国家庆祝元旦?

世界上许多国家都庆祝元旦,如中国、美国、德国、英国、巴西、伊朗、法国、瑞士、希腊、日本等。 以下是一些国家/地区的元旦习俗:

1.中国:中国大陆、香港和台湾将在元旦举行升旗仪式、文艺演出和文化演出,以及为期三天的假期政策。 许多人还利用假期旅行或探亲访友。

2.美国:美国人在元旦举办家庭聚会,举杯庆祝新年的到来。 在美国的一些地方,有传统的“玫瑰游行”和名为“玫瑰碗”的美式橄榄球比赛,纽约时代广场的倒计时和水晶球掉落是一大亮点。







9.法国:在法国,元旦被称为“jour de l”。'“,人们经常互相赠送新年贺卡,并举办美丽的家庭聚会,享受美食和香槟。

10.德国:德国人在元旦有“bleigie en”(熔化铅)的传统,将熔化的铅滴入水中,用铅的形状来表示新年的命运。

02 如何向客户发送元旦问候?



1. happy new year! may the coming year bring new happiness, new goals, and new achievements to your life.

2. as the new year dawns, i hope it's filled with the promises of a brighter tomorrow. happy new year!

3. wishing you a happy new year with the hope that you will h**e many blessings in the year to come.

4. out with the old, in with the new: may you be happy the whole year through. happy new year!

5. may this new year bring all the fun and happiness you h**e wished for. happy 2024!

6. cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. happy new year!

7. as we step into another year, i’d like to thank you for lifting me up every time when i am down and encouraging me to move forward. h**e a beautiful year!

8. life is short - dream big and make the most of 2024!

9. may the new year start with fresh joys and a life filled with peace. may you get warmth and togetherness and prosperity too. happy new year!

10. as you gear up to greet the new year with a grand salute, dear friend, i wish for you to h**e a new year as hopeful as the dawn and as energetic as the sun.

03 如何向客户发送元旦问候邮件?

元旦问候邮件最好提前几天发送,因为有些客户可能会提前进入假期,以免打扰客户。 真诚一点,你可以用动态卡片的形式制作。 AB客户营销邮件,免费赠送200封元旦问候邮件!


邮件 1:

subject: new year, new beginnings!

dear [xxx],happy new year! as we welcome 2024, i want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and partnership. may this year be one of prosperity, joy, and success for you and your loved ones. looking forward to **more wonderful memories with you this year!

warm regards,your name]

消息 2:

subject: cheers to a prosperous new year!

dear [xxx],wishing you a joyful new year's celebration and a prosperous year ahead. thank you for your valuable collaboration this past year. may the new year bring us more opportunities to work together and achieve greater heights.

best wishes for 2024,your name]

消息 3:

subject: ringing in 2024 together!

dear [xxx],as we bid farewell to another year, i would like to take a moment to thank you for being such an integral part of our journey. happy new year, and may 2024 be a year of health, happiness, and spectacular success for you and your business.

sincerely,your name]

留言 4:

subject: a toast to new beginnings

dear [xxx],happy new year! may this year bring new goals, new achievements, and many new inspirations to your life. it's a joy working with you, and i can't wait to see what we will accomplish together in 2024. wishing you and your family all the best.

warmest regards,your name]


subject: 2024: ready for an amazing year ahead!

dear [recipient name],happy new year! i'm excited to continue our partnership and grow together in the coming year. here's to a year of good health, lots of love, and plenty of laughter. may 2024 be your best year yet!

cheers,your name]



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