英汉双语美文 埃隆 马斯克(Elon Musk)有着非常独特的10球法则心态

小夏 科技 更新 2024-01-31

if something is important enough,even if the odds are against you,you should still do it.--elon musk

如果某件事足够重要,即使成功的机会很低,你也应该去做。 ——埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)。

setting goals is essential for success. without clear goals, it's easy to lose focus and direction.


setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.


as we konw,elon musk is the stuff of business legend.the founder of tesla ,space and solarcity,and has been named one of the most powerful people in the world by forbes magazine.he once said that his success is due to the development of a great attitude.it's called the 10% goal law.

如您所知,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)是商界的传奇代表人物,是特斯拉(Tesla)、SpaceX和SolarCity的创始人,并被《福布斯》杂志评为世界上最有影响力的人物之一。 他曾经说过,他的成功是因为他有一个非常强烈的心态:10%的目标法则。

the idea is like whatever you wanna h**e in your life.you h**e to do ten attempts. but the problem is most people don’t try ten times ,the terrible truth is most people don't even wanna try it once.it's a hell of harder for them to try.while that's the point of the 10% target law.learn to be positive regard 90% failures.

这就像你在生活中想要什么,你必须进行 10 次尝试。 问题是大多数人不会尝试 10 次,可怕的事实是,大多数人甚至不想尝试一次,让他们尝试比上天更难。 10%目标法则的意义在于学会积极面对90%的失败。

i dare to promise you if you do anyting in the future,you are willing to try10 times first,well,you'd find one of them will succeed,either first,you'll get what you want,or second,you will get something you never know what you're gonna get in your life,but usually you want to take a step back,it's normal and that's what most people do,and the reason is cause they actually not reallly fighting for it ever,you'd beat 90%of the huaman race in 10 tries.

我可以保证,如果你愿意在未来尝试任何事情 10 次,那么其中一次就会成功。 要么,第一,你会得到你想要的东西,要么,第二,你会得到你从来不知道你能得到的东西。 但通常人们想退后一步,这很正常,这是大多数人做出的选择,因为他们从来没有真正为之奋斗过,他们可以在10次尝试后摆脱90%的人性。

we all need to develop this mindset,there are many things that seem impossible only so long as one does not attempt them.


i can accept failure, but i can't accept not trying-michael jordan

我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不尝试。 --迈克尔·乔丹。

a bold attempt is half success.fight for it.



essential[ɪˈsenʃl] adj.基本;基本;基本;

invisible[ɪnˈvɪzəbl] adj.看不见,看不见;

mindset [ˈmaɪndset] n.心态;



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