
小夏 体育 更新 2024-01-31

2023 cba finals night ends with upsets galore2023 cba finals night ended with surprises as underdogs triumphed over stronger rivals. the fourth-to-last ranked fujian defeated the leading xinjiang team, while the underdog tianjin made a comeback against shanghai, and the bottom-ranked shandong team scored a big win over guangzhou. in addition to these major upsets, there was also a minor upset as the qingdao team, which ranks low and plays with only one foreign player, defeated the title-conten

ding shenzhen team at home. this unexpected loss of the shenzhen team was indeed surprising and should not h**e happened. the absence of qingdao's key player powell in this match was a good opportunity for shenzhen to win. however, shenzhen unexpectedly fell behind early in the game, trailing by 11 points in the first quarter and ultimately lost by 12 points. despite performing well in the last three quarters, shenzhen's downfall came in the first quarter. the champion foreign player adams led s

henzhen in the game, but they were caught off guard by qingdao's all-chinese lineup. despite qingdao fielding an all-chinese lineup in the first quarter, local players wang ruizhe, yang hansen, and others showed great firepower, while shenzhen's defense was poor, failing to contain their opponents. adams, known for his erratic shooting, continued to miss shots, and his poor performance led to him being substituted early in the game. during the period when sallinje was on the court, shenzhen aggr

essively narrowed the point gap, at one point trailing by only 2 points. however, sallinje could not play the entire game, and the head coach had no choice but to let adams rest, despite knowing that adams was not performing well. when adams returned in the latter part of the third quarter, shenzhen's score remained at 68 for a long time, leading to a scoring drought and becoming a turning point in the game, ultimately losing the opportunity to reverse the game. fans pointed out that the turning

point of shenzhen's loss was when adams played alongside li muhao, resulting in a series of mistakes. shenzhen was defeated by qingdao, who played with only one foreign player, ultimately losing by 12 points. champion foreign player adams appeared extremely awkward, playing for 13 minutes with 0 points, 0 rebounds, 2 assists, and 2 turnovers, recording the lowest plus/minus value for the team and a 15-point deficit while on the court. after meeks was ruled out for the season, shenzhen's signing

of the long-dormant adams was a major mistake. although he led xinjiang to the championship in the past, his inherent flaws in his style of play, characterized by erratic shooting and low efficiency, persist. fans criticized adams, saying that he has long been past his prime, and bringing him back was a mistake. they also questioned the decision to sign adams, suggesting that shenzhen should h**e tried reviving hudson instead. some fans even went as far as to say that adams was not as good as g

uangdong's shorter player xu jie, known as the "iron guard," who was left unused in the last quarter, going 0-7 throughout the game, greatly impacting shenzhen's performance. it seems that shenzhen's championship plans will be ruined by adams. what is your evaluation of adamsin summary, the unexpected victory of the underdog teams in the 2023 cba finals night has brought into question the performance of champion foreign players and the decision-**of the teams. the defeats of the stronger

teams by the underdogs reflect the unpredictable and competitive nature of cba matches. furthermore, the failure of champion foreign players to deliver, as seen in adams's disappointing performance, raises concerns about the effectiveness of their signings and the impact on the team's overall performance. as the cba season progresses, it will be interesting to see how the teams adjust their strategies and lineups in response to these unexpected outcomes. what do you think about the impact of cha

mpion foreign players on cba teams, and how can teams better utilize their resources to achieve success in the league



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