
小夏 动漫 更新 2024-01-19

2024年11月4日,改编自谏山八目人气漫画的动画《进击的巨人》迎来了大结局。 自 2013 年推出以来,已经过去了 10 年。

小作业:1. how did the final episode of "attack on titan" differ from its regular episodes?

a) it was released exclusively in theaters.

b) it was a feature-length episode.

c) it featured a crossover with another **

d) it was directed by a famous hollywood director.

2. how did "attack on titan" perform in comparison to mainstream shows on rotten tomatoes?

a) it had more critic ratings than any mainstream show.

b) it consistently held the top spot in viewer ratings.

c) it achieved high critic and audience scores, though with fewer critic ratings.

d) it surpassed all mainstream shows in both critic and audience scores.


'attack on titan' finale premieres tonight — here are the eye-popping numbers behind the **'s reign

from: forbes

nov 4, 2023


the final episode of the wildly popular **series “attack on titan” aired on november 4th, marking the end of a 10-year run characterized by top-tier animation and a tragic storyline that captivated western audiences and established it as a pop culture mainstay — two achievements backed by record-breaking ratings and demand.

key facts

the show's finale is a feature-length episode that premiered at 8 p.m. edt on crunchyroll, the **streaming platform that recognized “attack on titan” as one of the most frequently watched **series during 2020.

attack on titan” has nine entries in imdbs top 100 tv episodes by rating, rubbing elbows with shows like “breaking bad,” game of thrones” and “succession,” with the **'s most highly rated episode ranking no. 16.

attack on titan” became the most popular **tv show in the world from 2022-2023, according to parrot analytics.

parrot analytics also found the **was the most in-demand show on netflix in february 2022, boasting almost 60 times the amount of demand of an **erage series on netflix for the month and overtaking shows like “the walking dead,” stranger things,” the witcher” and “cobra kai."

the show sports a 95% critic score on rotten tomatoes backed by a 94% audience score, though it should be noted the show's seasonal entries on the platform don't h**e anywhere near the number of critic ratings traditionally given to mainstream shows.

big number

more than 120 million. that's how many copies the show's manga, the comic book the show was adapted from, has sold worldwide. the manga has been published in 18 languages in more than 180 countries around the world.

surprising fact

hajime isayama, the creator of “attack on titan,” has publicly touted his love for the “game of thrones” franchise, which shares a significant number of parallels with the brash and cruel story of “attack on titan.”

key background

attack on titan” tells the story of humanity's last civilization, which is tucked behind a series of towering walls used to keep hordes of humanoid giants, known as titans, at bay. the story specifically follows eren yeager, a victim of and the members of the scout corps, a military division tasked with tr**ersing outside the walls and embarking on missions that inevitably turn their understanding of the larger world upside down.

the show has become known for its brutal themes of despair and survival and is filled with lovable and morally ambiguous characters, high-adrenaline action set pieces and twists that bring more depth to the world of “attack on titan” with each of its four seasons. the show, now more than 10 years old, was adapted from its manga, which was released in 2009.



'attack on titan' finale premieres tonight — here are the eye-popping numbers behind the **'s reign

from: forbes

nov 4, 2023


the final episode of the wildly popular **series “attack on titan” aired on november 4th, marking the end of a 10-year run characterized by top-tier animation and a tragic storyline that captivated western audiences and established it as a pop culture mainstay — two achievements backed by record-breaking ratings and demand.

邪典动画《进击的巨人》的最后一季于 11 月 4 日播出,标志着该节目十年的结束。 该节目以一流的动画和悲惨的故事情节吸引了西方观众,并确立了自己作为流行文化中流砥柱的地位——这两项成就都得到了破纪录的收视率和受欢迎程度的支持。





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