以0 05美元,海辰储能全球首款能源平权产品Hero EE发布

小夏 汽车 更新 2024-01-30

12月12日,在海辰储能生态日之际,为了让全球能源匮乏地区的人们能够获得负担得起、可靠、可持续的电力**,海辰储能发布了一款名为“Hero EE”的千瓦时家用电源。 它是一个 10 年的生命周期,以低至 0 kWh 的成本提供电力05美元用于家庭供电(中国居民电价为0/度电时。075美元),这是一种包容性的能源产品,对于能源匮乏的家庭来说,这是真正负担得起的。


HERO EE 为能源平等而生

在HERO EE的发布会上,特邀嘉宾联合国工业发展组织尼日利亚投资促进办公室的Abimbola Olufore Wycliffe女士和柬埔寨嘉宾代表共同为HERO EE揭幕。 在现场,他们表达了能源匮乏地区家庭对电力的渴望,以及传统燃油发电机组造成的噪音污染和高成本。

根据 2023 年版联合国跟踪可持续发展目标 7:能源进展报告,全球仍有近 7 亿人无法获得电力停电,每天都在世界各地的许多家庭上演。 长期以来,这些家庭一直无法享受到电力提供的现代生活方式,如电灯、风扇、冰箱、电视机等家用电器;此外,他们无法享受现代通信技术带来的便利,在没有通信和互联网设备的情况下,学龄儿童获得知识的机会受到限制公共设施缺电的后果更为严重,可能导致医疗状况恶化,进而危及生命安全。

HERO EE 为能源平等而生

在此背景下,海辰储能创新性地提出了HERO EE解决方案,该解决方案由光伏组件、储能系统和一套智能网联系统组成,为能源贫困家庭提供“白天充电、夜间使用”的千瓦时电力供应,让能源贫困地区的人们平等获得负担得起的、可持续的清洁电力**, 解决用电问题,推进医疗、卫生、教育等基础设施建设,让每个人都能享受到更美好的生活。

Hero EE 使能源匮乏地区的家庭能够负担得起并可以使用它

Hero EE“Energy Equality Hero”售价仅为999元人民币,内置能量为1千瓦时(1kWh),采用海辰储能动力工业级储能电池的光储一体化智能系统寿命长达10年,每千瓦时成本仅为005 美元(约人民币 0 元。4 美元)。这是一种经济实惠且可靠的能源包容性产品,可供能源匮乏地区的居民购买和使用,对于能源匮乏的家庭来说,真正负担得起且可靠。

Hero EE具有极简主义和人性化的设计,可以方便不同年龄段的人操作

人人可用的电源是为每个人设计的,而Hero EE的产品设计只保留了3个接口,让每个人都可以在没有习的情况下轻松上手。 系统自带MPPT,充分利用白天的太阳能快速填充英雄EE,在充电的同时,还可以支持风扇的正常运行。


对于能源匮乏的家庭,HERO EE系统可以提供80小时的照明、16小时的电风扇使用等,通过用电,帮助能源匮乏的家庭也获得实时信息和教育信息,获得个人发展的希望同时,HERO EE系统还可以促进家庭式小企业的发展,支持80小时灌溉、10小时缝纫机等,让能源匮乏地区的人们能够持续增加家庭收入,改善生活。 在公共卫生方面,Hero EE可以支持小型医疗设备,如医用小型冰箱等,可用于储存疫苗和药品,从而挽救更多生命。

为实现可持续发展目标 7 做出贡献。

通过技术创新,海链储能使HERO EE解决方案能够促进能源平等,助力SDG7目标的实现。 我们呼吁更多志同道合的朋友团结起来,为生活在能源匮乏的人们争取能源平等。 海链储能相信,有了更多的电力,更多的能源贫困人口才能公平地获得可持续、负担得起的现代能源,世界也可以朝着实现全人类共同的可持续发展目标迈出一步。

on december 12th, hithium launched an affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy product, hero ee for energy poverty people on the hithium eco-day.

according to united nations office, the annual electricity consumption is only 212 kwh per capita among the least developed countries (ldcs), which is 7% of that globally. there are still 732 million (101 million households) living below the energy poverty line without access to consistent electricity. at current developing pace, 8 percent of global population (about 660 million people) will still h**e no access to electricity at all by the year of 2030. it remains a huge challenge to achieve sustainable development goal 7 (sdg7) which calls for ”ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030”.

hero ee energy equity solution

with the significant advancements of photovoltaic and lithium ion battery energy storage technologies, distributed generation energy system offers an energy independent and self-sufficient solution which becomes an economic option among less developed regions. moreover, those energy poverty regions without centralized power generation and long-distance transmission are more receptive to distributed energy resource(der)systems.

hero ee is a particularly dedicated der product to addressing the energy supply problems for energy poverty people. bundled with one pv module, battery energy storage system and intelligent networking platform, the hero ee 1kwh system can provide power supply for 80 hours of lighting, 20 hours of fan, 10 hours of tv, 89 times of mobile phone charge. most importantly, hero ee helps energy poverty people to earn more by extending the workable time and learn more for the bright future by improving the studying conditions.

hero ee employs the high grade battery cells of hithium for energy storage ensuring the superior safety and reliability with more than 10 years lifespan. with minimalist design and extremely high level of integration, hero ee weighs only 7.5 kilograms. hero ee has 3 interfaces of one dc input for pv charging, one ac input and one off-grid ac output. moreover, the lcoe during the whole life cycling of hero ee is as low as $0.05, which is far more below the utility electricity price in energy poverty regions. therefore, hero ee is a truly affordable, reliable, and sustainable distributed clean energy solution.

ms. abimbola olufore wycliffe, the head of investment and technology promotion office (ipto), unido in nigeria, once emphasized the current energy challenges and urgency of access to clean energy in africa. she also stressed that battery energy storage systems are the future fuel and valuable asset in nigeria. ms. abimbola olufore wycliffe believes that hero ee product will play a vital role in propelling nigeria towards decarbonization and promoting local economic growth. she looks forward to the improvements brought by hero ee which would allow energy poor families to enjoy more comfortable and quiet life. lastly, ms. abimbola olufore wycliffe declared that unido itpo nigeria will actively support the local partnerships of hithium and nigeria which will exemplify the global cooperation of sustainable energy solutions.

as a member of un global compact, hithium's mission is to provide energy poverty families with an affordable, reliable, sustainable distributed clean energy solution. letting green energy benefit all and achieving final energy equity are our visions. at the same time, we also call on more like-minded friends to join us. let us work together for energy equity for energy poverty people and realizing sdg7 as soon as possible.

作者丨**, chloe





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