疟疾是一种由疟原虫感染引起的寄生虫病,主要通过雌性按蚊叮咬传播。 疟疾可分为间日疟、恶性疟、疟疾和卵形疟。
Binaxnow-WHO认证了四种疟疾联合疟疾检测卡,这是一种用于检测疟原虫抗原的快速膜筛选试剂。 该试剂采用新一代侧向免疫层析检测技术,可快速准确地定性检测全血中的特异性抗原PF和PV。 该卡不仅具有高度特异性,而且还可以在短时间内提供结果以支持诊断。
binaxnow-who has certified four malaria co detection cards, which are fast membrane screening reagents used for detecting malaria parasite antigens. this reagent adopts a new generation of horizontal immunochromatographic experimental technology, which can quickly and accurately detect specific antigens pf and pv in whole blood. this detection card not only has high specificity, but also can provide results in a short period of time, providing strong support for diagnosis.