
小夏 教育 更新 2024-03-08






新学院的领导层由副校长(研究)兼大学特聘教授Luke Ong领导。 自5月1日起,这位杰出的计算机科学家将卸任副校长(研究)一职,担任新设立的副校长(人工智能和数字经济)一职。 在他的新职位上,王教授将负责规划南洋理工大学的未来道路,因为世界将继续被计算机重塑。 南洋理工大学将在适当时候宣布新任校长(研究)。

南洋理工大学校长何德华教授表示:“随着人工智能成为重塑世界的通用技术,像南洋理工大学这样的大学有责任对学生进行人工智能教育,以便他们能够茁壮成长,并帮助确保技术朝着正确的方向发展,让世界变得更美好。 “新的计算与数据科学学院是我们应对这个计算新时代的答案。 我们新教师的目标是培养一个在人工智能时代保持领先地位的南洋理工大学社区。 通过这样做,我们可以更好地支持新加坡成为值得信赖的主要人工智能中心的雄心壮志。 ”

何教授也是新加坡人工智能协会的创始执行主席,他补充说:“除了新学院的成立外,我们还任命了首任校长(人工智能和数字经济),研究如何将人工智能融入南洋理工大学的日常职能,使我们整体更强大、更智能和更有效率。 作为一名计算机科学家,Luke Ong教授精通人工智能语言,非常适合指导南洋理工大学的人工智能战略。 ”

这些关键发展是南洋理工大学大力推动下一波人工智能增长的一部分。 本月早些时候,南洋理工大学推出了一系列新的学术课程,以培养具有社会意识的人工智能人才,并开发以人为本的人工智能解决方案。





该学院的九个本科课程和五个研究生课程将由新学院的人工智能、数据科学和计算三个部门提供。 新学院预计将在 2024 年 8 月开始的新学年招收 4,800 多名学生。

根据大学对终身学习的承诺,学院将每年增加30%的人工智能和计算机方面的继续教育和培训(CET)工作。 它将通过在人工智能、数据科学和计算方面引入新的与行业相关的 CET 课程来实现这一目标,包括:







计算与社会研究所; 将研究人工智能和计算对人类文明的影响,以及人工智能如何帮助解决人类面临的主要挑战; DSAI-4-X中心将促进与数据科学和人工智能相关的跨学科研究和教育,并利用人工智能开发新的跨学科科学领域。


王教授将于5月1日起出任新任副校长(人工智能及数码经济)。 在这个新职位上,他将设计和实施大学的人工智能战略,以安全和负责任的方式支持大学的职能。 这包括推动为学生提供个性化学习体验的人工智能计划,支持教师利用人工智能推进他们的工作,并帮助在资源分配等领域做出数据驱动的决策。

他在数学、信息学和计算机科学领域拥有丰富的专业知识和国际经验。 在加入南洋理工大学之前,王教授是牛津大学计算机科学教授。 2017年,他因其在逻辑和计算领域的杰出贡献而被公认为阿朗佐·丘奇奖的共同获奖者。

王教授说:“人工智能技术可能会带来一些风险和挑战,但如果使用得当,它也可以带来机遇,例如取代繁重的工作,使我们能够将时间和精力集中在最有价值的地方。 在接下来的几个月里,我将与学生和教师协商,了解他们在将人工智能融入工作时的愿望和担忧。 ”



nanyang technological university, singapore (ntu singapore) is launching a new college to deepen the university’s investment and efforts in artificial intelligence (ai), computing, and data science.

the new college of computing and data science will serve as a platform to deliver industry-relevant degree programmes that will train students to not just be comfortable but also fluent in ai. it will also accelerate interdisciplinary collaboration between computing and other disciplines in ntu singapore.

leading these efforts at the new college is vice president (research) and distinguished university professor luke ong. from 1 may, the eminent computer scientist will step down from his current role as vice-president (research) to take on the newly created position of vice president (ai & digital economy). under this new portfolio, prof ong will be tasked with charting the path forward for the university as the world continues to be reshaped by computing. ntu will announce the new vice president (research) in due course.

ntu president professor ho teck hua said: “as artificial intelligence becomes a general-purpose technology that reshapes our world, universities like ntu h**e a responsibility to educate students to be conversant with ai so they thrive, and to help make sure technologies evolve the right way to make the world better. the new college of computing and data science is our response to this new era of computing. our goal for the new college is to nurture an ntu community that stays ahead of the curve in the ai age. by doing so, we can better support singapore’s ambition to be a major trusted ai hub.”

prof ho, who is also the founding executive chairman of ai singapore, added: “complementary to the establishment of the new college is the appointment of our first ever vice president (ai & digital economy) to look into how we can integrate ai into ntu’s daily functions to make us stronger, smarter, and more efficient as a whole. as a computer scientist, prof luke ong is well-versed in the language of ai and well-suited to guide ntu’s ai strategy in his twin roles.”

these key developments are part of the university’s big push for ai for its next w**e of growth. earlier this month, ntu launched a series of new academic offerings to nurture socially conscious ai talent and develop human-centric ai solutions.

a new college to coordinate ai research and education efforts

ntu’s new college of computing and data science will combine the strengths of the university’s school of computer science and engineering (scse) with other related disciplines at ntu to form the university’s sixth academic college.

a computer scientist by training, prof ong, who is also the chief scientist for ai singapore, will lead the college’s efforts by holding a concurrent appointment as its founding dean.

the college will be housed in scse’s physical facilities, with the existing computing infrastructure refreshed to improve the overall educational experience for students.

all nine undergraduate programmes and five graduate programmes under scse will now be offered under the new college’s three academic divisions in ai, data science, and computing. the new college is expected to be home to more than 4,800 students in the new academic year that begins in august 2024.

in line with the university’s commitment to lifelong learning, the college will ramp up its continuing education and training (cet) efforts in ai and computing by 30 per cent every year. it will do this by introducing new industry-relevant cet courses in ai, data science, and computing, including:

master of science in ai, with a new specialisation in generative ai

cet professional certificate in ethical data science

cet professional certificate in generative ai

the college will foster collaboration between computing and other disciplines through the establishment of the following research platforms:

generative ai lab, which is concerned with both the theory and practice of generative ai;

centre for cybersecurity and digital trust, which will build on government-funded research programmes to promote both basic and translational research in cybersecurity and digital trust;

institute of computing & society; which will study the impact of ai and computing on human civilisation and how ai can help to address the grand challenges facing humanity; and

centre for dsai-4-x[1], which will catalyse interdisciplinary research and education relating to data science and ai, and develop new interdisciplinary areas of scientific inquiry using ai.

new senior leadership role to steer ntu’s growth in ai age

prof ong will be appointed to the newly created role of vice president (ai & digital economy) from 1 may. in this new role, he will design and implement the university’s ai strategy to support the university’s functions in a safe and responsible manner. this includes driving ai initiatives that provide personalised learning experiences for students, support faculty in leveraging ai to advance their work, and help make data-driven decisions in areas such as resource allocation.

prof ong’s twin roles draw on his considerable expertise and international experience in the areas of mathematics, informatics, and computer science. prior to joining ntu, prof ong was a professor of computer science at the university of oxford. in 2017, he was recognised as a co-winner of the alonzo church award for his outstanding contributions to the fields of logic and computation.

prof ong said: “ai technologies may pose several risks and challenges, but also opportunities when properly utilised, such as taking away the drudge work so that we can focus our time and effort where it is most valuable. over the next few months, i will be consulting with both students and faculty to learn what their aspirations and concerns are when it comes to integrating ai into their work.”

prof ong completed his undergraduate degree in mathematics from the university of cambridge and completed his postgraduate diploma and doctorate degree in computer science from cambridge and imperial college london, respectively.


    新加坡南洋理工大学的家庭作业辅导 化学硕士作业辅导

    作业是在南洋理工大学攻读化学硕士学位过程中不可或缺的一部分。作业不仅是检验学生对所学知识的理解和掌握程度的考验,也是评估其研究能力和学术水平的重要依据。然而,面对复杂的化学问题和繁重的家庭作业负担,学生可能会遇到挑战,而此时,许多学生需要国际学生的家庭作业帮助。.硕士作业中常见的写作障碍 .缺乏清晰...


    为方便中国学生申请新加坡南洋理工大学 NTU 的本科课程,南洋理工大学还声明,南洋理工大学 NTU 不指定或授权任何教育中介和机构向南洋理工大学招收本科 硕士和博士学位。申请者需注意,本期信息翻译自学校官方英文网站,为方便中国学生和家长在官网查找相关本科申请资料,并不代表全面的招生信息。此外,学校的...


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    南洋理工大学是一所位于新加坡的公立研究型大学。南洋理工大学 NTU 作为新加坡的国立大学之一,在亚洲和世界上享有盛誉,是新加坡乃至世界的知名大学之一。南洋理工大学的成立可以追溯到年,当时新加坡 决定建立一所新的大学 南洋理工大学,以促进国家的经济发展,提高国家的科技水平。从那时起,南洋理工大学一直致...