双语你好! 中国熊猫玲燕直播厅舞No.1“熊”!

小夏 游戏 更新 2024-03-04


panda lingyan is lively and energetic, often engaging in playful activities, which attracts a large number of netizens and tourists.

近日,栾川珠海野生动物园无奈在社区内表示,直播间被封禁,马上会回来。 封禁的原因是大熊猫玲妍**晃了晃屁股,导致直播间被封锁了十分钟。 在被封锁前回头看视频,只见大熊猫玲妍转身站在太空舱上,向游客展示嘻哈舞。

recently, the luan chuan bamboo sea wildlife park expressed frustration on social media as their live stream was temporarily suspended and promised to return shortly. the reason for the suspension was attributed to panda lingyan's seductive twerking, which led to a ten-minute suspension of the live stream. reviewing the footage before the suspension, panda lingyan was seen turning around and standing on a space capsule, demonstrating a twerking dance to the visitors.

为防止事态进一步升级,避免更多不必要的争议和误会,动物园工作人员紧急介入,对凌妍进行观察和处理。 经确认,凌妍身体状况良好,无异常。 随后,直播间在十分钟后重新开放,继续向观众展示大熊猫的可爱和活泼。

to prevent further escalation and unnecessary controversy and misunderstanding, the zoo staff promptly intervened to observe and handle lingyan. after confirming lingyan is in good physical condition with no abnormalities, the live stream resumed ten minutes later, continuing to showcase the cuteness and liveliness of the pandas to the audience.

栾川珠海野生动物园回应称,凌妍成为“第一只在直播中被禁的熊! 动物园表示,大熊猫为了揉痒、抖水等而揉搓臀部、摇晃手臂,都是正常行为。

the luan chuan bamboo sea wildlife park responded, stating that lingyan became the "first panda to h**e its live stream suspended!" the zoo emphasized that pandas rubbing their buttocks and shaking their arms is normal beh**ior, typically done to scratch an itch or shake off water.



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