
小夏 社会 更新 2024-03-02

a businessman and a fisherman


a businessman went on a trip. he stayed in a small fishing village near the sea.


he noticed that every day, a fisherman went out to sea and came back with just enough fish for his needs.


the businessman, surprised, asked, "why don't you spend more time catching more fish?”

商人很惊讶,问道:“你为什么不花更多的时间钓更多的鱼呢? ”

the fisherman replied, "these fish are enough for me and my family. why should i worry about it?”

渔夫回答说:“这些鱼对我和我的家人来说已经足够了,我为什么要担心它们呢? ”

the businessman further inquired, "what do you do with all your extra time each day?”

商人接着问道:“你每天有这么多空闲时间做什么? ”

the fisherman said, "i spend time with my children, talk to my wife, and drink with my old friends at dusk.”

“当我回来时,我和孩子们一起玩,和我的妻子聊天,晚上和我的老朋友一起喝酒,”渔夫说。 ”

the businessman said, "if you follow my advice, you could improve your life significantly.”

商人对渔夫说:“如果你听从我的劝告,也许你可以过上更好的生活。 ”

the fisherman smiled and nodded.


the businessman explained, "stay at sea longer, catch more fish, and earn more money.


with that money, you can buy a bigger boat, even a fleet of ships.


this will allow you to catch vast amounts of fish daily, enough to start your own processing plant and sell them directly.

这样你每天都可以钓到大量的鱼。 您可以开设自己的加工厂并直接销售。

you'll accumulate a lot of money, then you can move to cities like los angeles or new york.”

你会积累很多钱,你可以搬到洛杉矶或纽约这样的大城市。 ”

the fisherman asked, "and what would i do there?”

渔夫问:“我要去那里做什么? ”

the businessman replied, "there, you can conduct larger businesses and become incredibly wealthy, with more money than you could ever spend in your lifetime.”

商人回答说:“当你到达那里时,你可以做更大的生意,变得非常富有,并拥有你一辈子都花不掉的钱。 ”

and what happens then?" the fisherman inquired.

然后呢? 渔夫问道。

the businessman chuckled. "then you can retire! you can move back to a small fishing village near your hometown.

商人笑了笑。 “那你就可以退休了! 然后你可以搬回你家乡的小渔村。

you can sleep in, catch just enough fish, play with your children, talk to your wife, and drink with your friends as before.”


the fisherman chuckled and said, "but that's exactly the life i'm living now.”

渔夫笑着说:“但这正是我现在的生活。 ”

the businessman exclaimed, "but you're missing out on the struggle for a better life!”

但你错过了为更美好生活而奋斗的机会! 商人喊道。

he continued, "being content with your current circumstances is a common problem. it's like an invisible knife that slowly weakens your fighting spirit, leading to a loss of wisdom and courage. it increases inertia and makes people content with mediocrity.”

他接着说,“满足于现状是人们的通病,它就像一把看不见的刀,它慢慢地瓦解了人们的斗志,使人失去智慧和勇气,增加了惰性,使人屈服于平庸的生活。 ”

he concluded, "the same destination can h**e different meanings depending on the journey. if you skip the challenging and inspiring struggle, you'll miss out on a truly rich and fulfilling life.”

他总结道:“同样的人生结局,只是因为过程不同,才会显现出不同的意义。 如果你错过了具有挑战性和鼓舞人心的奋斗,你就错过了真正丰富和充实的生活。 ”



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