
小夏 游戏 更新 2024-03-07


相比之下,1965年由柯克·道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas)主演的英国电影《雪英雄》(Snow Hero)。'the heroes of telemark'凭借其惊心动魄、曲折曲折的故事情节,成为谍战剧的不朽经典。 此外,《泰勒马克英雄》是根据英国国有企业突击队对挪威水厂的真实破坏改编的,而《英雄时代》中对德国雷达站的破坏是虚构的。



1942 年 3 月,时任海军上将约翰·戈弗雷 (John Godfrey) 的秘书、皇家 N**Y 情报局局长伊恩·弗莱明 (Ian Fleming) 提议成立一支突击队 the objective of such a unit would be, "to accompany forward troops when a port or n**al installation is being attacked and, if the attack is successful, their duty is to capture documents, cyphers".伊恩还以德国的一个类似单位为基础,在卡纳里斯海军上将的领导下,军事情报机构“Abwehr”的海军陆战队 - 特别行动队 - Kommando Schwarzes Meer:黑海特别行动队特遣队,该部队约有40人,主要在黑海和亚速海进行报告和侦察活动。主要任务是收集有关苏联港口及其设备的情报数据,以及红军方面的海防组织。

1942 年 9 月正式成立的“第 30 突击部队”,30AU 由 33 部队(皇家海军陆战队)、34 部队(陆军)、35 部队(皇家空军)和 36 部队(皇家海军)组成。 指挥官正是伊恩·弗莱明(后来的詹姆斯·邦德的作者)。 它的任务是先于盟军前进,或从陆地、海上或空中秘密渗透敌方领土,以**、文件、设备或人员的形式获取急需的情报。 这是一个由海军主导的情报机构。

特别行动执行局成立于 1940 年 7 月 22 日,负责在纳粹德国占领区对轴心国进行间谍和侦察活动,并协助当地的抵抗运动。

正如影片中所说,30au的成员确实是从监狱中招募的。 因撬开保险箱而入狱的拉姆齐被弗莱姆宁招募为团队的一员。 ramsey had learnt to use explosives in the mining industry. ramsey is said to h**e cracked 14 in one day while in action in italy.

some 30au members suggest that looted gold and diamonds found in the vaults they raided were seen as a perk of the job. after the unit was disbanded, several men,, may h**e utilized their skill set on the other side of the law. ramsey himself reverted to his old trade and was soon back in jail again.

number 30 assault unit” was deployed for the first time during the dieppe raid in august 1942, in an unsuccessful attempt to capture an enigma machine and related material.迪耶普突袭(1942 年 8 月 19 日)是盟军在诺曼底登陆前对德国占领的法国北部迪耶普港的一次不成功的两栖攻击。 在近5,000人的加拿大特遣队中,有900多人被杀,1,874人被俘。 德国人只有 591 人。 第30突击队被派往迪耶普后,其任务也失败了,一名成员被杀,另一名成员受重伤,两人被俘。


Mince 行动是二战期间英国为掩盖 1943 年盟军入侵西西里岛而进行的一次成功的欺骗行动。 英国情报部门获得了死于吃老鼠药的无家可归者格林多·迈克尔的尸体,将他伪装成皇家海军陆战队的军官,并在他身上放置了个人物品,确认他是虚构的威廉·马丁上校。 两位英国将军之间的通信也被放在尸体上,文件暗示盟军计划入侵希腊和撒丁岛,西西里岛只是佯攻的目标。 这个计划对美军在西西里岛的成功登陆有很大帮助。

“碎肉行动”是根据海军少将、海军情报局局长约翰·戈弗雷的助手伊恩·弗莱明中校 1939 年撰写的一份备忘录改编的。

to steal enigma code books, fleming designed an elaborate operation,” operation ruthless “ that was not put into effect.该设计由弗莱明于 1940 年 9 月 12 日写给戈弗雷海军上将 the idea was to "obtain" a nazi bomber, man it with a german-speaking crew dressed in luftwaffe uniforms, and crash it into the english channel. and h**ing the pilot ditch into the sea hoping to entice a german u-boat to rescue the downed men.

once aboard a nazi sub, the british, still dressed in german uniforms, would shoot the german crew, dump their bodies overboard, and bring the nazi submarine back to england along with the enigma code books stored on board. ditching a plane into rough waters was considered a risk too far and the operation was abandoned.


ian was officially discharged from the n**y on november 10, 1945 and took a job as the foreign manager at the kemsley news***chain.

in 1942 fleming attended an anglo-american intelligence summit in jamaica and, he decided to live on the island once the war was over.退休后,他真的在阳光明媚的加勒比海牙买加岛上建造了一座房子,并称其为“黄金眼”。他在这里写了 11 个邦德。

fleming based his creation on individuals he met during his time in the n**al intelligence division, and admitted that bond "was a compound of all the secret agents and commando types i met during the war。

fleming’s first novel, casino royale, introduced secret agent james bond 007, and was an instant hit. in 1952,

为什么邦德的代号是007? fleming came across details of the british success in breaking a german code during world war i, leading to the zimmerman telegram incident.英国密码破译者破译了德国总督亚瑟·齐默尔曼(Arthur Zimmerman)在墨西哥寄给德国的文件。 该文件详细介绍了针对美国的无限制潜艇战新政策 zimmerman further stated that if mexico made trouble for the united states and germany won the war, germany would work to return new mexico, arizona, and parts of texas to mexico.此文件的代码为 0070

in 1961, he met with president john f. kennedy at the white house. jfk was a big bond fan, naming from russia with love as one of his f**orite books. fleming and the president had a long and interesting chat, during which the president unobtrusively picked fleming’s brain for ways to assassinate a foreign leader (the cia was secretly planning the assassination of cuba’s fidel castro)

he succumbed to heart disease in 1964 at the age of 56.in october 1975 fleming's son caspar, aged 23, killed himself by drug overdose .

这些原创文章来自创新的非佣金、非中介二手房业主直销平台,微信***业主卖房。 近百篇原创文章包括五个类别:英语反思、欧洲二战、摄影、中国近代史和房地产投资。




第二次世界大战在欧洲的遗迹 - 德国纽伦堡。

第二次世界大战在欧洲的遗迹 - 汉堡和汉诺威。




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