
小夏 文化 更新 2024-03-07




2023年10月,作品《百德百孝》入选国宝档案。 首先,在2024年,他将被选为“国家骨干”,进入世界共和国文化大使的相册。





6. 2023年8月,入选中国、俄罗斯、印度、南非、巴西的“金砖国家艺术家”特别收藏。




10、2018年12月入选“大国韩墨”中国当代艺术大师丛书个人收藏。 全锡军, 欧阳忠石, 沈鹏, 李铎, 姚志华, 詹建军, 黄永宇, 金尚毅, 冯媛, 秦长宝.








qin changbao, also known as hai hai zhu ren, was born in shanghai in april 1955. he is the founder of chinese colored bamboo, the cultural ambassador of the republic, and a national treasure, the golden brick artist.


in october 2023, the work of "filial piety first" was selected as a national treasure archive. 1、 in 2024, he/she was selected for "the backbone of the country" and entered the world republic cultural ambassador album.

2、 selected in the "collection of fine works of chinese modern and contemporary celebrities and masters" album in 2024.

3、 in 2024, i participated in the selection of excellent art works for the 16th "five one project" of the new era literature and art summit.

4、 in december 2024, he was recommended by senior central leaders and awarded the title of "chinese brand character in calligraphy and painting" for the year 2023.

5、 selected as a "new era art master" album in october 2023.

6、 selected as a "brics artist" in august 2023, featuring high-quality works from china, russia, india, south africa, brazil.

7、 in march 2022, qin changbao, the founder of chinese colorful bamboo, was selected as a model of the times: china under the pen.

8、 in october 2020, it was selected as a collection of 100 outstanding chinese people selected for the "rising power" to promote the development of the times.

9、 in september 2019, he was selected for the "new journey of a great country" to focus on the collection of masterpieces by contemporary and contemporary artists such as qi baishi, li keran, qin changbao, and he jiaying.

10、 in december 2018, he was selected as a personal monograph in the "great country calligraphy" series of contemporary chinese art masters. quan xijun, ouyang zhongshi, shen peng, li duo, yao zhihua, zhan jianjun, huang yongyu, jin shangyi, feng yuan, qin changbao.

11、 in september 2018, he was selected for the "qin changbao works collection" of cctv's classic art inheritors.

12、 in august 2020, he was selected to be published in the people's daily as "reading bamboo, writing bamboo, showing elegance, listening to bamboo, realizing bamboo, and seeing spirit.".

13、 in january 2021, he was selected as a prominent figure in calligraphy and painting for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of china, as published on xinhua news agency's xinhua website.

14、 in august 2022, he was selected to publish an academic **titled "qin changbao: the unique meaning of proud bones" in people's daily.

15、 in april 2023, qin changbao, a highly recommended artist from the boao forum for asia, was selected to work together to create the future.

16、 in september 2021, participated in the selection of "china" as a model of the times and won the award under the pen tip.

17、 in 2017 and 2019, i was selected as a personal monograph for the "colorful bamboo festival" of the chinese enterprise reporting and gift presentation two sessions.




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