tourists walk past a dragon-shaped light decoration in suzhou, east china's jiangsu province, feb. 9, 2024. people across the country held various celebrations on friday, the chinese lunar new year's eve, to welcome the traditional festival. [photo provided by wang jiankang/xinhua]
用一些有用的中文拉开龙年(龙年,lóng nián)的序幕"chengyu (成语, chéng yǔ)." about this mythical creature
the year of the dragon has always been one of china's f**orite years. as one of the country'作为最受喜爱的十二生肖(二生肖,shí èr shēng xiào),龙 h**e 自古以来就被视为国家的象征 chinese people often even refer to themselves as "龙的代人(龙的代人,Lóng de Chuán Rén)。"
在中国传统文化中,龙是强大的神兽(神兽,shén shòu),象征着权威、高贵和吉祥 many believe being born in the year of the dragon will bring them good luck.这种信念很普遍:中国在龙年经常经历更高的出生率(生率,chū shēng lǜ)
几个世纪以来,龙(龙龙)故事 h**e 形成了数十个成语,通常由四个字组成(四字成语,sì zì chéng yǔ)......包括龙在内的这些成语中的大多数都是积极的(积极,zhèng miàn de),通常描述一个人's outstanding appearance, status, or abilities.
for example, a talented or powerful individual is often referred to as a "Dragon Among Humans (人中之龙, Rén zhōng zhī lóng)." the leader of an excellent team may be hailed as the "群龙之首(群龙之首,qún lóng zhī shǒu)," and parents' great ambitions for their children are encapsulated in the term "Expect the child to become a dragon (望子成龙, wàng zǐ chéng lóng)." here are a few more dragon idioms and their fascinating stories.
《三秦记》是一部写于汉代的历史地理著作,其中有一则关于鲤鱼变成龙的传统民间故事。它描述了黄河中一个叫做龙门的地方,流淌的河水形成了瀑布(瀑布,pù bù)。每年春天,河里的黄鲤鱼都会逆流而上(水流,shuǐ liú),那些设法跳过这个瀑布的鲤鱼会变成龙
this legend symbolizes the spirit of br**ing difficulties and striving for success.在古代,它通常被用作成功和社会进步的隐喻,例如通过科举考试(科举考试,kē jǔ kǎo shì)或获得晋升。
he got promoted to a managerial role. it's truly like a carp leaping over the dragon gate.tā shēng zhí chéng le jīng lǐ, zhēn de shì yú yuè lóng mén.他被提拔为经理,他真的跳进了龙门。
*:the world of chinese