
小夏 教育 更新 2024-02-21

【今日TED精读】:植树真的能给地球降温吗? does planting trees actually cool the planet?

随着气候变化的日益严重,植树被认为是减少温室气体的重要措施。 然而,是时候重新审视这种做法了吗? 我们是否在植树的道路上走得太远而忽视了正确的方法?

** 双语字幕)。



in the fight to curb climate change, there are few solutions more discussed than planting lots and lots of trees.


it sounds **enough — trees absorb co2 from the atmosphere to grow, so planting more of them should help eliminate greenhouse gases.


the trouble is, tree planting efforts don't always work as planned.


for example, between 1974 and 2012, the chilean government helped fund the planting of over a million hectares of new trees.

例如,在 1974 年至 2012 年期间,智利**资助种植了超过 100 万公顷的新树。

yet a recent analysis suggests this multi-million dollar effort resulted in no major carbon storage gains.


what went wrong?


chile focused on afforestation: the planting of trees in places long devoid of — or never home to — any forest, as opposed to reforestation, the practice of restoring recently degraded forests.


many governments and international organizations champion afforestation in their efforts to meet lofty tree-planting goals that require massive amounts of land.


the bonn challenge, launched in 2011 by the german government and the international union for conservation of nature, aims to restore 350 million hectares of degraded land across the globe by 2030, in part through afforestation.

2011 年,德国**和国际自然保护联盟发起了“波恩挑战”,旨在恢复世界上 35亿公顷的退化土地,部分通过植树造林。

many companies h**e also seized on tree planting to offset emissions and, in some cases, negative pr from their contributions to the climate emergency.


a 2021 oxfam analysis found that the area needed to match the tree-planting goals set by four of the largest oil and gas producers would require land twice the size of the uk.

乐施会 2021 年的一项分析发现,要实现四大石油和天然气生产国设定的植树目标,需要两倍于英国的面积。

here's where things get complicated.


in order to be a long-term carbon sink, trees need to grow to maturity and stay put.


most of chile's afforestation funding went to the commercial forestry industry, which drastically expanded plantations of mostly non-native trees — in some cases even by plowing into native forests.


according to one study, on **erage, natural forests are 40 times better at carbon storage than plantations.

根据一项研究,平均而言,天然林储存的碳是人工林的 40 倍。

a mature tree can absorb up to 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide each year.

一棵成年树每年可以吸收多达 22 公斤的二氧化碳。

but plantation trees are harvested.


further, pine and eucalyptus — two commonly grown plantation trees — are highly flammable, so gains in carbon storage can quickly go up in smoke.


and not all land should be forested.


in 2019, researchers estimated that, of the 100 million hectares of land targeted for a tree planting initiative in africa, most is s**anna.

2019 年,研究人员估计,非洲种植的 1 亿公顷土地中大部分是稀树草原。

dropping trees into africa's s**annas threatens wildlife that thrive in sunlight and open spaces.


and wildfires, not to mention a passing elephant, can quickly stomp out years of tree growth.


meanwhile, a s**anna's natural vegetation tucks most of its carbon safely away below ground, where it's protected from fire and hungry herbivores.


planting trees can also h**e unintended consequences in places that naturally reflect sunlight like drylands or snowy terrain.


trees in these regions could absorb more of the sun's rays, contributing to a warmer planet.


it's not that we shouldn't plant more trees.


but for the best chance of success, programs should consider which species to plant, which lands to forest, and how to protect the land long-term.


today, chile is prioritizing planting native trees rather than timber plantations.


some researchers argue that a more efficient way to re-green the planet is to protect forests and let nature do the work.


on recently deforested land, seeds wait in soil, and new sprouts grow from old stumps.


as time passes, birds and winds deliver seeds from forests nearby.


others support programs that practice assisted natural regeneration — helping nature along by removing grasses that compete with saplings, preventing grazing, and even planting trees in small patches.


so when is it bad to plant trees?


when programs put the wrong trees in the wrong places.


it's bad when it's mistakenly used as a catch-all solution, rather than addressing more complex issues like carbon emissions and active deforestation.


it's also bad to plant trees when it allows companies and governments to practice greenwashing, throwing money at initiatives that h**e no real chance of achieving the carbon offsets they promise.


the best investments in a greener future are to cut carbon emissions, while protecting these forests from being destroyed in the first place.



关键词: 1 co2 / ˌsiː.oʊ.tu 二氧化碳。

2.植树造林 f r ste n 造林。

3. reforestation / ˌriː.f r ste n 重新造林。

4.碳 kɑ rb n 碳。

5.种植园 pl n te n plantation.

6.原生 NE T V 本地。

7. deforestation / ˌdiː.森林砍伐。

8.排放 M nz 排放。

9. regeneration / ˌriː.d en re n 再生。

10.漂绿 ɡri n w green shuffle.

关键词: 1植树。






1. between 1974 and 2012, the chilean government funded the planting of over a million hectares of new trees, but a recent analysis suggests this effort resulted in __

a) significant carbon storage gains

b) no major carbon storage gains

c) a decrease in carbon emissions

d) a decrease in afforestation efforts

2. afforestation focuses on planting trees in places long devoid of any forest, while reforestation aims to restore __

a) natural vegetation

b) recently degraded forests

c) commercial plantations

d) non-native species

3. the bonn challenge, launched in 2011, aims to restore 350 million hectares of degraded land across the globe by 2030, in part through __

a) reducing emissions

b) afforestation

c) promoting deforestation

d) increasing wildfires

答案解析:1正确答案:b)没有重大的碳储存收益 解释:智利**资助了在1974年至2012年期间种植超过100万公顷新树的项目,但最近的分析表明,这一努力并未带来显著的碳储存收益。

2.正确答案: b) 最近退化的森林 解释:植树造林的重点是在长期未植树造林的地方植树,而重新造林的目的是恢复最近被破坏的森林。

3.正确答案:b)植树造林 解释:波恩挑战于2011年启动,旨在通过恢复350亿公顷退化土地,到2030年实现全球治理,其中一部分是通过植树造林实现的。

2月** 动态激励计划

免责声明:原 **版权所有 ted。com



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