crying towel
而所谓的crying towel它是专门为哭泣的宝宝擦眼泪的“毛巾”,它不是指真正的毛巾,而是讽刺以安抚那些动不动就抱怨的人。这意味着这个人似乎总是需要一条毛巾来擦拭眼泪,因为他们经常处于悲伤或不满的状态。
"crying towel"这个成语的起源可以追溯到20世纪初的美国。 它最初指的是用来擦拭眼泪的毛巾,用于象征性地表示一个人经常抱怨、哭泣或感到悲伤。 这个成语的意思是,这个人需要一条特殊的毛巾来擦眼泪。
- "he always carries a crying towel with him, complaining about everything that goes wrong in his life."
("他总是随身携带毛巾擦拭眼泪,抱怨生活中一切不顺利的事情。 ")
- "she's constantly in need of a crying towel, always finding something to cry about."
("她总是需要一条毛巾来擦眼泪,总能找到可以哭泣的东西。 ")
- "instead of taking action, he just sits there with his crying towel, feeling sorry for himself."
("他只是坐在那里,拿着毛巾擦眼泪,为自己感到难过,而不是采取行动。 ")
far cry
因此,“远”是一个“远”的意思far cry它的意思是“”。在很遥远的地方,远距离”。《孤岛惊魂》更常用来形容”。有些东西与过去大不相同“,即”。一个与众不同的世界
- "the luxurious mansion they live in is a far cry from the small apartment they used to rent."
("他们住的豪华别墅与他们过去租的小公寓相去甚远。 ")
- "his current job as a ceo is a far cry from his humble beginnings as a janitor."
("他目前担任首席执行官的工作与他作为清洁工的低谷时代相去甚远。 ")
- "the reality of the situation is a far cry from what they had expected."
("现实与他们预期的相去甚远。 ")
for crying out loud
for crying out loud是一个非常常用的口语短语,用于:表示不耐烦、无聊或惊讶的程度!它更像是一个咒语,就像哦我的上帝,可以翻译为“哦,我的上帝”,“怎么了”等等。
朋友“)大声哭泣,可以't you just be quiet for a minute?"("拜托,你能安静一会儿吗? ")
i've been waiting for hours for this package to arrive. for crying out loud, where is it?"("我已经等了好几个小时了,这个包裹到底在哪里? ")
for crying out loud, stop **such a mess in the kitchen!"("拜托,不要把厨房弄得一团糟! ")
cry in one's beer
cry in one's beer意思是为你的啤酒哭泣,也就是说顾影是自怜自艾,自怜自艾
它的起源可以追溯到美国的酒吧文化。 在酒吧里,有时人们会因为失恋、失败或其他不愉快的事情而感到沮丧,然后用酒精来发泄自己的情绪。 这个成语来源于这种情况,表示喝啤酒时表达悲伤或失望。
after his girlfriend broke up with him, he spent the whole night crying in his beer at the local pub."("女友与他分手后,他在当地的酒吧里流着泪喝了一夜。 ")
instead of facing his problems, he prefers to cry in his beer and **oid dealing with reality."("他宁愿在喝酒时感到自怜,也不愿面对问题和现实。 ")
whenever he faces a setback, he retreats to the bar to cry in his beer."("每当遇到挫折时,他都会退到酒吧,一边喝酒一边为自己感到难过。 ")
以前的文章: split 的意思是“分开”,那么你如何理解 split hairs? 不是“劈头盖脸”吗,国外还有“驴年”? 说“驴子”。's年“,我们不能胡说八道,弹回来,怎么理解? 难道是“春天回来了”,不要这样翻译! 上车前大喊“霰弹枪”是什么意思?