the epa hosts several different in-house portals topesticide information and there are a couple of excellent second party portalhosts:
pesticidechemical search is helpful for finding historical and ongoingregulatory and scientific information about specific pesticide active ingredients.
the pesticide product labelsystem provides links to epa-approved labeling of primary registeredproducts (distributor products will not show up in results)
the pesticideproduct information system is the full database of epa-registered pesticides.the database files are mostly useful to people who are familiar withsetting up databases.
农药产品信息系统是EPA农药注册的完整数据库。 数据库文件对于熟悉设置数据库的用户非常有用。
perhaps the easiest way to figure out if apesticide is epa-registered is to search for it using the national pesticide information center'sproduct research online. npic is an epa information-sharing partnerwith extensive experience in pesticide-related exposure issues. npic npropermits searches for all pesticide products, even "distributorproducts" that h**e three-part epa registration numbers.
也许确定农药是否在EPA注册的最简单方法是使用国家农药信息中心的产品研究搜索。 NPIC是EPA信息共享合作伙伴,在与农药相关的暴露问题上拥有丰富的经验。 NPIC NPro允许搜索所有农药产品,甚至是具有EPA第三部门注册号的“分销商产品”。 ”
purdue university's national pesticide informationretrieval system is another epa information-sharing partner npirs provides a user-friendly portal toepa's ppis database, which allows anyone with internet access to search forpesticides by primary registered product name, primary company name, two-partepa reg. no. or active ingredient. epaprovided initial funding for npirs, and we regularly update the ppis filesonline.
普渡大学(Purdue University)的国家农药信息检索系统(National Pesticide Information Retrieval System)是EPA的另一个信息共享合作伙伴。 NOIRS为EPA的PPIS数据库提供了一个用户友好的门户,允许任何可以访问互联网的人通过产品主要注册名称、主要公司名称、两部分EPA注册或活性成分进行注册。 EPA为NPIRS提供初始资金,我们会定期更新PPIS文件。
the pesticideregistration manual is a resource for companies and individuals whowant to h**e their pesticide products registered for sale in the united states.the manual also provides information about pesticide products that are exemptfrom federal registration requirements.
您需要了解的有关向EPA申请农药注册的所有信息都可以在这里找到。 《农药注册手册》是为希望在美国销售农药产品的公司和个人提供的资源。 本手册还提供了有关免于联邦注册要求的农药产品的信息。