
小夏 教育 更新 2024-02-06

nation built on diversity

exploring the past, present and future of india in jawaharlal nehru’s book


h**e you ever wondered about the __1___excite) stories behind a country’s past, its diverse culture, and the heroes who fought for its freedom? well, the discovery of india is just such a book for people __2___interest) in india.

the book was written by jawaharlal nehru, the first prime minister of india after its independence. born on nov 14, 1889, in india, nehru __3___educate) in england for several years.1919 年,在可怕的(可怕的)阿姆利则大屠杀(阿姆利则大帝**)4 处决)(处决)之后,他成为印度民族主义运动的主要领导人之一,以对抗 5 英国统治由于打架,他甚至多次入狱(入狱) it was during his imprisonment at ahmednagar fort jail between 1942 and 1946 __6___he wrote the discovery of india.

7___tell) from the point of view of nehru himself, this book is not only a record of history, but also an introduction to the culture, philosophy and civilization of india.

in this book, nehru examines extensively the origins of his life and the history of india.他声称,古印度的河流贸易蓬勃发展,丝绸、盔甲、黄金和香水等商品出口 8 印度

他还澄清了对这个国家的许多误解 for example, “hindu” is not mentioned in the earliest writings of india.印度文学中第一次提到 9 是在 9 世纪的密宗(密宗)著作中“印度教徒”指的是“10个人”,而不是特定宗教的信徒事实上,印度教是一种雅利安宗教

11 12 记录历史,尼赫鲁也坦率地(坦率)表达了自己的观点。 for example, he believes that india, a country diverse in terms of skin color, language, food and religion, _13___need) to maintain order not only __14___function) but also to thrive with such diversity.思想和情感在书中共存并产生一种创造性的和谐,15 使它成为印度历史上最好的文学作品之一和现代经典。

keys1. exciting 2. interested 3. was educated 4. executed 5. against 6. that 7. told 8. from 9. it 10. a 11. apart 12. from 13. needs 14. to function 15. *



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