ASTM E595 释气测试 NASA 低释气

小夏 汽车 更新 2024-02-01

with the ability to cause damage and failure to mission-critical components, outgassing is an important characteristic to be considered in material selection. our astm e595 testing services help you choose compatible materials that ensure the material meets the total mass loss (tml) and the collected volatile condensable materials requirements established by nasa and the european space agency (esa).ASTM E595 释气测试

astm e595 and thermal vaccuum

most frequently associated with volatile materials, outgassing occurs when gases and vapors are released from polymers and elastomers at above-ambient temperatures. condensation from this process can collect on sensors, electronics and n**igational equipment, causing damage to mission-critical equipment.

during astm e595 testing, a material is placed in a thermal vacuum chamber and typically exposed to a 125°c temperatures and vacuum force up to 5 x 10-5 torr. after a 24-hour outgas exposure, the specimens and the condensing plates are weighed to determine mass loss, and the percentage of the volatile effluents that were collected during testing.

ensure material requirements for nasa and esa

our astm e595 testing services are critical to the material selection process for high vacuum applications. in addition to measuring outgassing levels, our aerospace testing experts provide measurement of thermal properties and other important material characteristics.

tml(total mass loss),≤1%

cvcm (collected volatile condensable materials, ≤0.1%

wvr(the amount of water vapor regained), information only

for more information about our astm e595 outgassing capabilities, or to request a quote, contact us today.

ASTM E595 除气美国标准热真空除气测试联系 Rui。


热真空除气试验 ASTM E595** 1558A-2012 除气试验


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