双语 这次告别,不知道我们什么时候才能再见面

小夏 文化 更新 2024-02-16

the festive atmosphere of the spring festival seems like it was just yesterday, but today, many people h**e already set foot on their journey back. at the high-speed rail stations and airports, crowds of people can be seen, and on the highways, the red taillights form a long line, symbolizing the determination and reluctance of countless tr**elers le**ing their homes.

春节的喜庆气氛仿佛是昨日,但今天,很多人早已踏上了回归的征程。 一时间,高铁站和机场人头攒动,在返程的高速公路上,尾灯连成一条红线,象征着无数流浪者离家出走的决心和不舍。

it is a moment full of emotions. netizens h**e expressed their feelings, saying, "the new year has passed, and now it's time to le**e home. i don't know when we will meet again." this statement speaks for the sentiments of countless migrant workers who strive in a different city. each separation is filled with helplessness and reluctance, but each reunion is also filled with anticipation and joy.

那是一个充满情感的时刻。 网友们说:“我过完年就离家了,不知道什么时候才能见面。 这句话表达了无数农民工的心声,在外地打拼。 每一次离别都充满了无奈和不舍,但每一次重逢也都充满了期待和喜悦。

some people say, "at the latest, we will see each other next spring festival," which is a promise to their families and an expectation for themselves. some people say, "i hope to see my family more often," expressing a longing for family and a hope for life. some people even say, "it's difficult to meet, and it's also difficult to part. tears in my eyes!" this is the pain of separation and the anticipation of reunion.

有人说:“最迟明年春节见”,这是对家人的承诺,也是对自己的期待。 有人说:“希望能经常见到家人”,这是对亲情的渴望,也是对生活的期待。 还有人说:“见面难说再见,眼泪! “这是离别的痛苦,也是对重逢的期待。

素材来自**本站的晚间新闻,我看到父母泪流满面,白发苍苍,孩子们哭得心碎,爷爷奶奶高高举起长满老茧的手......these scenes are all tear-jerking. but we also see the determined eyes and resolute figures of these tr**elers. they know that in order to live and pursue their dreams, they must embark on this journey away from home.

在这个车站,我看到我的父亲和母亲,太阳穴发白,泪流满面,孩子们哭泣得令人心碎,老茧的手被我的祖父母举起......这些画面都让人泪流满面。 但我们也看到了流浪者们坚定的眼神和坚毅的背影,他们知道,为了生活和梦想,他们必须踏上这条远离故土的道路。

at this moment, the song "parting at the station" by zhao wei plays in my ears: "thousands of words are too late to say, my tears h**e already overflowed." this song seems to sing for the voice in each of our hearts. from tightly held hands, deep eye contact, to constant calls, as the car goes further and further, every detail reveals the helplessness and reluctance of parting. we all look forward to the next reunion, longing for the day when we can be reunited with our families.

就在这时,赵薇的离别歌《离别站》在我耳边响起:“我还没来得及说一千个字,眼泪就已经溢出来了。 这首歌仿佛唱出了我们每个人的心声。 从紧握的双手,深邃的眼神,到不停的呼唤,车子越走越远,每一个细节都透露着离别的无奈和不甘。 我们都期待着下一次团聚,期待着与家人团聚的那一天。

新华网素材 离别的那一刻,尽管充满了不舍和悲伤,但前行的我们也要带着希望和梦想 because we know that only in this way can we better repay our families' expectations and love.

在离别的时候,我们虽然充满了不舍和惆怅,但也要带着希望和梦想向前迈进。 因为我们知道,只有这样,我们才能更好地回报家人的期望和爱。

finally, i want to say, "wishing you a smooth journey!" may every migrant worker arrive safely at their destination and start a new job and life. at the same time, we also look forward to the next reunion coming soon!

最后,我想说:“祝大家旅途愉快! “我希望每一位农民工都能平安顺利地到达目的地,开始新的工作和生活。 同时,期待下一次早日重逢!



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