
小夏 体育 更新 2024-02-05

the rockets defeated the raptors with a score of 135-106 in a surprising victory. the raptors had recently undergone a complete rebuild, with barnes as their core and strengthening their lineup around him. despite their recent success, the rockets' talent overwhelmed them.the rockets started the game strong, with sengin and jaylen green leading the charge.

smith made key shots, and whitmore and amin provided strong attacks off the bench. they finished the first quarter with a 14-point lead.the rockets continued to dominate in the second quarter, extending their lead to 19 points. the raptors were unable to mount a comeback in the second half, and the rockets continued to increase their lead, eventually reac

hing 30 points. the rockets' starters were able to rest early, and the bench players continued to attack. the raptors even forced the rockets to bring out their mascot, boban.barnes scored 28 points for the raptors, while quijley had 25 points and trent jr. had 12 points. sengin led the rockets with 24 points, 13 rebounds, and 8 assists, while green had 14

points. amin had 19 points and whitmore had 25 points off the bench.the rockets showcased the power of their young players, with sengin, green, and smith performing well. amin and whitmore also proved their talent and potential. the rockets made a great draft selection with whitmore, who was predicted to be a top five talent. despite concerns about his kn

ee, he has been healthy this season and has shown his strong abilities on the court.overall, the rockets' victory was a testament to their talented young players and their ability to come together as a team.惠特莫尔被认为是 23 年选秀中最强的 3 和 D 前锋,球探非常看好他。 然而,谁也没想到他会如此出色,他先是被火箭队送到发展联盟打球,然后又凭借出色的得分能力一步步回归确立了自己的地位,甚至挤出了霍乐迪的上场时间。

惠特莫尔在过去10场比赛中有4场得分超过20分,但他的出场时间不到30分钟。 今天,惠特莫尔在短短21分钟内得到25分,创造了NBA历史上13岁到19岁年龄最少的25+分钟的纪录。 难怪湖人球迷对管理层感到愤怒,因为惠特莫尔在第20顺位被选中,斯基菲诺在第17顺位被选中。 湖人队最初对惠特莫尔感兴趣,但最终选择了斯基菲诺,因为他们认为斯基菲诺的投篮能力更强。 然而,就目前而言,斯基菲诺似乎在打完新秀合同后可能会缺席比赛。 相比之下,惠特莫尔场均只有16场比赛您可以在 11 分钟内获得 7 个8 分和 38个篮板,投篮命中率49%,三分球命中率40%。 在过去的5场比赛中,惠特莫尔场均得到21分6分钟得到21分和6分4个篮板和投篮50三分球命中率分别为7%和41%他的罚球命中率分别为7%和82%4%。



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