
小夏 科技 更新 2024-02-26


for the printing and imaging industries, the aperture of the coating roller mesh hole is small, and the general cleaning method is difficult to thoroughly clean the small mesh hole. in response to this situation, the coating roller special ultrasonic cleaning machine uses ultrasonic technology to clean the surface of the coating roller. not only can the mesh hole be cleaned thoroughly, but it will not cause damage to the surface of the mesh roller.



the cleaning tank and the outer sealing plate of the frame are designed with a full stainless steel structure, which has a beautiful and generous appearance;


when cleaning the mesh roller, it is mounted on the rotating shaft for rotary cleaning, which is more thorough;


ultrasonic cleaning adopts a pure physical method, which will not cause damage to the mesh roller;


both soaking and ultrasound can set working hours, *operation more convenient;


equipped with a heating system, the ultrasonic cleaning effect is better at the appropriate temperature (40 ℃ 60 ℃)


set up partitions at both ends of the groove to form an overflow groove, and the bearings at both ends of the mesh roller are located above the overflow groove to prevent water immersion;


the ultrasonic generator adopts a separate excitation circuit and is equipped with an internationally advanced automatic frequency scanning circuit, resulting in more stable performance;


the power of the ultrasonic generator is adjustable, with a wider working range;


the equipment is equipped with ground casters to facilitate overall transportation of the equipment;


    超声波网纹辊清洗机 印刷辊清洗

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