
小夏 科技 更新 2024-01-28

[root@hfzabbix ~]# mysql_secure_installation

securing the mysql server deployment.

connecting to mysql using a blank password.

validate password component can be used to test passwords

and improve security. it checks the strength of password

and allows the users to set only those passwords which are

secure enough. would you like to setup validate password component?

press y|y for yes, any other key for no: y

there are three levels of password validation policy:

low length >= 8

medium length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters

strong length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters and dictionary file

please enter 0 = low, 1 = medium and 2 = strong:

您输入的 ** 是用于安全配置 MySQL 服务器的命令,它执行以下步骤:

root@hfzabbix ~]# mysql_secure_installation

此行用于在 Linux 终端中以 root 身份运行 MySQL 安全安装命令,这是 MySQL 附带的安全配置向导,可引导您完成一些基本的安全设置。

securing the mysql server deployment.


connecting to mysql using a blank password.


validate password component can be used to test passwords and improve security. it checks the strength of password and allows the users to set only those passwords which are secure enough. would you like to setup validate password component?

此行是命令的输出,指示您可以使用验证密码组件来测试密码并提高安全性,这将检查密码的强度,并仅允许用户设置足够强的密码。 然后询问是否要启用验证密码组件。

press y|y for yes, any other key for no: y

此行是您的输入,用于指示您已选择启用验证密码组件,其中 y 或 y 表示是,任何其他键表示否。

there are three levels of password validation policy:


low length >= 8

此行是命令的输出,它表示要求密码长度为 8 个字符或更多字符的低级别密码验证策略。

medium length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters

此行是命令的输出,它表示一个中级密码验证策略,该策略要求密码长度为 8 个字符或更多,并且包含数字、大小写字母和特殊字符。

strong length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters and dictionary file

此行是表示高级密码验证策略的命令的输出,该策略要求密码长度为 8 个字符或更多,并包含数字、大小写字母、特殊字符以及检查密码是否包含常用单词或模式的字典文件。

please enter 0 = low, 1 = medium and 2 = strong:

此行是命令的输出,该命令允许您输入或 2 以选择密码验证策略的级别,其中 0 表示低,1 表示中,2 表示高。
